Opinion on who makes up the five man band in this game. Since I already have an opinion of a few. Plus this really isn't a band they are just six roles which you will place the main characters of only FFXIII in them(not FFXIII-2). The Leader/Hero - Like it says usually the most important, and when it comes to gameplay they are usually the "Jack-of-all-Stats" therefore making them second best when it comes to the other roles. The Lancer - the Leader/Hero's foil(extremely similar to the Hero with a key difference or drastically different from them). They maybe the ones that second in command. The Big Guy - Self Explanatory The Smart Guy - Yeah really self- explanatory The Chick- The Heart of the group. More than likely may become dansel in distress but usually brings the whole group together when they have hit a rough spot.(Isn't always female) The Sixth Ranger- The character who just sticks out and may appear when the group is in mid- adventure. Looking forward to your opinions after all I got nothing else to do
What you're describing are character archetypes--basically, commonly used character profiles in literature & stories, that many writers use as a jumping off point for fleshing out their characters, as a mythological/folksy reference, to allow readers to understand the character better, or something else. Thing is, not every character fills into a particular archetype--indeed, many complex ones could fill several--and you've got a rather limited list there. If you're looking to criticize or analyze Final Fantasy XIII from an archetypal standpoint, that's awesome and I support it 100%, but I don't think many of these apply to this particular game. The Hero/Leader, perhaps, could be discussed, but I don't feel there's really one main character in the game--though I've not finished it yet--and that's not a good or bad thing. Snow might be your "big guy" (though that's rather vague, I don't know how established the archetype is or much about it so I will have to research), but there are a lot of other archetypes out there to consider.
Not to be rude or anything but what was the point of you even coming onto this forum if you weren't even interested in this little question which I tried making? Seriously if what you typed is actually true then couldn't you have kept it a little bit to yourself since this forum was meant to lurk out those who see this game in a similar ideal to the individual who started it. Really your attempt at putting your opinion on here is just fruitless couldn't you have started an article with your ideals or found one which were similar to yours? Instead of criticizing an someone who hasn't even been on this site for 3 months. However I do thank you for your support on putting these characters into a particular archetype.
Oh I'm sorry, I did not mean to come off as critical. I'm just a bit fuzzy on what you're looking to discuss here--and if it is indeed character archetypes, I'm just suggesting to open it up a bit more. I am very interested in looking at video games from a literary standpoint and think this is a good idea for a topic, I just don't feel that the roles you've provided necessarily fit FFXIII, personally.
I personally agree with what TVtropes says on the matter. That is; The Leader (Lightning) The Lancer (Hope) The Big Guy (Snow) The Chick (Vanille) The Smart Guy (Sazh) Sixth Ranger (Fang) All six are definitely main characters, and while Lightning is the figurehead for them on boxart etc, and definitely is the closest thing they have to a definite leader, the fact is that all their decisions were pretty much unanimous anyway, with a few exceptions, and they could all fit a couple of different roles.
I am just looking for simple-minded first glance answers for these roles. Yes all of these characters are indeed complex however I just want these roles to break them down into simple generic roles which have been common throughout all types of media(except for maybe real life). I've already posted this on a second website and gathered their opinions(despite how little) and now I wish for the members of KH-VIDS to express their opinions. Plus, if you don't understand please ask me to be more specific and sorry if this article doesn't agree with your concept of FFXIII.