First Person Shooters (or Third Person)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Shadow, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    What are your top 5/10 1st/3rd Person shooters? And why?

    My top ten:

    1. Perfect Dark (N64)
    Reason: The follow-up to Goldeneye, with improvements to make an all-around great game. I still play it today.
    2. Goldeneye (N64)
    Reason: Basically the classic FPS, when you hear FPS you think Goldeneye, it was the console breakthrough.
    3. Halo 2/3 (Xbox/360)
    Reason: Following up to Halo, some people thought that the game couldn't be improved, they were wrong. For H2 and H3.
    4. Gears Of War (360)
    Reason: The breakthrough 360 FPS, fun story, better online play.
    5. Counterstrike (PC/Xbox)
    Reason: No storyline, but the best online FPS of all time.
    6. Unreal Tournament 2006 (PC)
    Reason: One of the funnest online experiances of my life.
    7. Unreal Championship 2 (Xbox/PC)
    Reason: I thought that the storyline for this game was great, so is the multiplayer.
    8. Halo (Xbox/PC)
    Reason: The beginning to a great series. Also, my other reason is the pistol.
    9. Sniper Elite (Xbox/PC)
    Reason: Fun online play, cool storyline.
    10. Resistance (PS3)
    Reason: I couldn't think of anything else, and this is all that my friend talks about, so it must be good.