First KH3D Novel Cover Revealed

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, May 25, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Square Enix has updated their Online Store with the Novel cover to of the first Dream Drop Distance book planned for release.
    The first issue will be titled Side Sora and is planned for release on June 28th 2012 for 800 yen (Roughly 10 Dollars)


    Many thanks to SUPERSMASHDRAKE for informing me.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, May 25, 2012.

    1. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mediocre as usual. It could as well just be something that came right out of devianart. Definitely not impressed.
    2. Llave
      Sometimes the simplicity in art is more effective, rather than too much going on to appreciate. I can definitely say it's good, professional nonetheless.

      Anywaaaaay, I personally just haven't been keeping up with the manga, as they took forever to even get them translated, and I believe Tokyopop no longer exists. ;;
      Thanks for the update, Krowley!
    3. Korosu
      Simple and cute, if you ask me.

      However, I haven't been keeping up with the manga due to it taking so long for it to be translated. Meh..

      Thank you for the update, Krowley.
    4. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      I like the manga cover. =D
      Sora always looks cooler in the Manga that he does in the games.
    5. ShibuyaGato
      D'aww, this is adorable! It could be better, but the Dream Eater in the corner is always cute.
    6. Misty
      Pretty sure this is the novels and not the manga, guys? I think they're different, though the same person does the art.

      I like all the KH art though, these included. dat wonder meow <3

      Thanks Krowley!
    7. jafar
      The KH manga is really terrible. I never bothered finishing the first one because it was so bad. They just do a mediocre job of storytelling, something which the game does really well. Oh well, it's out there and people will read it. I will always prefer the games to any other mediums they want to represent KH in.
    8. OurPrOmiSe
    9. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Epic, The art looks more like the manga, but as misty said, the same person does the art.its very good.
    10. Black Burn
      Black Burn
      Looks it will appeal more to children than people who are interested in the series. But I can't really judge until it's actually out. I doubt I will read it, regardless.
    11. NamineArtistOfLove
      Reading the comments here makes me feel like I have bad tastes. *nervous laugh* I actually like this art style, even if it is a little too shojo for the series' seriousness. I agree with everyone that the manga took too long though. I'm hoping the novel will be better. ^.^