This is pretty good for a first try. Overall it's a bit messy though, and there is very little focus. Some of the effects aren't... effective, mind the pun haha. The text was arranged in a fun way but could be placed better. The colours don't work very well together either. It's really really good for a first time though and I'm sure that these will clear as you continue to practice with PS. :3
I agree with Sumi on everything. My first suggestion is first to never use something that looks choppy like the background half-transparent version of Neku is. You should avoid using the default filters or special effects in Photoshop if you can because they are tacky unless used by someone who is already brilliant with the program and knows how to make it look good. Download some brushes and use them. The next time you add text, don't use a gradient and try to make it blend more. Text should not be the main attraction of your piece unless it is your strong point. As it is, the text is very bright and it is on the brightest end of the tag so the eye gravitates there. Neku looks more like a slapped-on last minute change. It's hard to see how they are supposed to relate or flow even conceptually because of that.