I was really mad about there being only one ending, but then I realized how perfectly it fit the game's message about how everything is inevitable and no matter how you do things differently, you always meet the same end because history is, from a certain point of view, fixed.
Oh ****, forgot about that. Call it fairzies and say that's best PC, Infinite can be best Xbox, and hell maybe Beyond will be best Ps3
Except history isn't fixed in Doctor Who. Also, I'm pretty sure that whatever the hell is going on in Bioshock Infinite sure isn't time travel.
Wow . . . I completely dropped the ball. I forgot to check your reply. Sorry, bro. There are points in DW that are fixed. Things that have to happen. Not sure about the other thing. Also, you hide your words real good you know that? Like, their not there . . . then they are. You're a real Wizard. You're a true Space Gandalf.