HOLY WHAT A GREAT SEASON Damn you Pendleton Ward, why did you create such an insanely interesting world?
Surprisingly, I think my favorite episode of the season was Earth and Water. It completely changed my opinion on Flame Princess by making her an interesting and sympathetic character, and maybe even one of my favorites. Before that I was totally uninterested in her. I don't know if this would be my favorite episode if I sat and thought about every single one (because S5 is basically amazing episode after amazing episode) but it's definitely one that left a big impression. FP was great in this season in general. But oh man, now that you have reminded me of AT I'm sad because I don't have anything new to watch or no season to binge. I've never had more fun watching a show in my life. The show just makes me... happy? Like, I can't describe it. Just sitting down and watching an episode really quick or watching an entire season, something about the show gives me all kinds of warm feels. gonna start having withdrawals or something I NEED MORE AT IN MY LIFE. Once I start buying comics again (money's been really sparse recently) you can bet AT is going to be one of my pulls.
Lemonhope was ****ing insane. I HEAR YOU MAN, the show really does just give you this undeniably fuzzy and content feeling. I can't place what it is if it is even one thing... Somewhere in the combination of the bizarre language, the fantastically weird characters, the grand post-apocalyptic world, the sweet but meaningful lines, the weird music, and the wholesomeness, there is this beauty and charm that so few other things have. It's such a magical wonderful mad show.
I'mma be honest, Lemonhope was very... idk. Confusing and freaky for me. I watched it when it premiered at a friend's house and the entire time we were just going 'what. what is happening. i don't understand. what even. why'.
i must need to watch it again because i didn't think anything of it and people are talking about it like it's some amazing thing. the only thing i can think of is the images of the future at the end
Lemonhope had a lot to do with free will and responsibility. I think people are reacting to both the philosophy and symbolism in it. If you're familiar with libertarianism (not the political party) and Sartre it'll seem quite familiar.
I mean, that's interesting and all, but I feel like the execution could have been better. As it stands, like skull joke, I was more interested at the future stuff at the very end
y'know considering i took a philosophy class last semester and we talked about Sartre i'm ashamed of myself for not thinking about him and all that But yeah, I got what it was about thematically, I just didn't think it was that interesting. Maybe on another watch I would think differently but I always thought Lemonhope was annoying. And not the funny annoying like Lemongrab.
That's cool, you don't have to be into all the episodes haha. Unless you don't like What Was Missing, then we can't be friends. I did find Lemonhope very compelling and extremely skillfully in writing and imagery but it's far from my favorite AT episode.