1. The goal is to find a path starting from 1 in the upper left and ending at 100 in the lower right. 2. You may move to an adjacent square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. 3. In order to move, you must be able to add, subtract, multiply, or divide the number in the square you occupy by 2 or 5 to get the number in the new square. For example, if you happen to be in square 11, you could move to square 9 by subtracting 2, or to square 55 by multiplying by five.
add 2, move to 3 Add 5, move to 8 Subtract 2, move to 6 Multiply by 5, move to 30 Subtract 2, move to 28 Divide by 2, move to 14 Add 5, move to 19 Multiply by 5, move to 95 Add 5, move to 100. Success