For reals???.....Getting that game once I get back. I am getting that game and a PS3 at the same time, and I'm going to play that game till I get the costume.
Picked this up today myself. Looking forward to playing it when I get a free moment. XD I've watched some Let's Plays of it with subs from a while ago, but yeah. Actually playing it instead of watching it will be nice.
It's really good. A bit slow to start with, and I assume you'll know why, but it picks up quickly after that. And it's a ton of fun, like the other Tales games. Best part though, no freaking TP.
Yeah, I know exactly why, but at the same time; I like how that sets it all up too. But yeah. I'll be sure to let you know my verdict too. Although I already really liked what I saw from watching the Let's Play however long ago. Meanwhile... I'm pretty pleased that we get the OST (albeit, a rather small collection of the tracks... ;_;) with it too and the other bonuses like the art book etc. When a game includes it's OST... that's always a HUGE bonus in my opinion. I wish more games did that more often.