finally got around to this after 2 years of owning it

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I bought this back in 2011 and built it that summer. It's exceedingly fragile, and I'm scare shitless just touching it. The hip joint slouches (not supposed to) because of all the weight that hangs off of the small joint that you can see in the pictures. You can't see it slouching here though because for the first time since I got it I took it off of its stand. The two pictures with flashes I took because even with all of the lights on in my room I couldn't see the assembly, so I improvised. The other two I took just for, no real reason. Idk why I'm sharing this but whatever, I feel like it.

    Funny story, I was actually prepping it for ebay, but after this I remembered how much I like it so I decided to keep it.

    But yeah, the instructions are useless and this took me about 2 hours more than I would have liked. I can guarantee it will be a while before I touch this thing again.

    Photo Jun 07, 9 33 10 PM.jpg
    Photo Jun 07, 9 40 18 PM.jpg
    Photo Jun 07, 10 34 08 PM.jpg
    Photo Jun 07, 11 08 11 PM.jpg