Final Spam VII

Discussion in 'Archives' started by The Joker, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    The World of Final Spam VII is dominated by a ruthless company, Spam. The
    head of the company finances a project that takes place years before the start
    of the story. The Project's goal is to find out about the "Datastream" -- the
    idea that declares that KH-Vids.Net is financed by an intangible energy source Noobiness --
    and how to harness it to further increase the websites's profits. See, the noob
    energy is what runs the lights, appliances, and machines of this world. And
    what's more, once Noobinessis solidified (either by artificial refining processes
    or naturally) it becomes "Spoilers" -- objects that have the intrinsic power of
    data energy within them. It is this spoiler which allows infinet knowledge and
    and noob-like effects.

    Sun Strife is a mercenary who is recruited by a rag-tag band who opposes
    Shinra's activities (it is lamely called, 'NOOBS'). Tifa, a childhood
    friend is among its ranks. His initial assignment, to bomb the Data Reactor,
    goes badly and he (somehow) winds up meeting a young woman with a mystery past called Aerith. This is where our story begins.

    "Who are you?" Aerith asked. "Sun Strife. NOOB. First Class." "No kidding. The same rank as him." "Who?" "The first boy I liked," Aerith replied. Aerith, feeling a noobish connection between them, ask Sun to be her bodyguard from Shinra's Jerks.

    Sun goes to meet Tifa in the Forum Assistance Area. After doing this they infeltrate the base of Don Parody from which they find out Spam discoverd the location of NOOB's base and are planning to blow it up.

    Sun says to this, "It's not my save file, not my problem," but helps out anyway so he can impress Aerith. They fail and in the explosion kills three members of NOOB and blows up the Forum Assistance Area killing it's members and three members of NOOB.

    Three Jerks appear in a Spam Helicopter and take Aerith away with their ony reply as to why being that she is a "Old Person."

    Sun goes with the people on his friend list to the President of Spam (Condemned Memoir and ask him why did they take Aerith. To this the President replys,

    "She is a Old Person," "What is a Old Person?" Sun asks. "One who can communicate with the Website and show us the way to the Spoilers Land where eternal Noobiness awaits."

    "I thoguht the Spoilers Land was only a legend," Organization XIII said.
    "Well, heh heh, guards put them in the Spam area."

    Should I continue this?