Final Fantasy XII (PAL- Spanish, French, German and Italian versions)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by Ponisito, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Ponisito Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 17, 2008
    I´ve been trying diferent values and I´ve found those, I think there is no more because they gives me an invisible character. There are the values that works.

    Final Fantasy XII PAL (Spanish, German, Italian and French versions)

    Mastercode XP4
    90460104 0c111a54

    Mastercode XP5
    902164dc 0c1180be

    Custom Characters on Cities (Hold Select on the loadscreens)
    E005FFFE 0056FBDC
    5054E210 000001B4
    00550E34 00000000
    D0553BF0 00000000
    10553BF0 00000019
    10553BF6 000000??

    Change ???? for:

    00 - Vaan
    01 - Ashe
    02 - Fran
    03 - Balthier
    04 - Basch
    05 - Penelo
    06 - Reks
    07 - Amalia
    08 - Prisioner Basch
    09 - Bach with ponytail and armor.
    0A - Lamont
    0B - Vossler with Heavy Armor.
    0C - Vossler.
    0D - Larsa
    0E - Reddas
    0F - Solider Basch (T Pose an can´t open doors).
    10 - Reddas (Can´t open doors).
    1A - Chocobo (Can´t open doors).
    1B - Belias (Can´t open doors).
    1C - Mateus (Can´t open doors).
    1D - Adrammekech (Can´t open doors).
    1E - Hashmal (Can´t open doors).
    1F - Cuchulaim (Can´t open doors).
    20 - Famfrit (Can´t open doors).
    21 - Zalera (Can´t open doors).
    22 - Shemhazai (Can´t open doors).
    23 - Caos (Can´t open doors).
    24 - Zeromus (Can´t open doors).
    25 - Exodus (Can´t open doors).
    26 - Artema (Can´t open doors).
    27 - Zodiark (Can´t open doors).


    · The code is jokered to SELECT button. If you push select before the main menu or if it weren´t be jokered it will say your savegame its corrupted when yoy try to load. (But isn´t corrupted at reallity).

    · You have to hold select on all the load screens.

    · You can save the game, no errors, no replacements and no corrupt files.

    · If you change the equipment of your characters you will have Vaan´s appearance, but if you go to other area you will have the appearance you have on the code.

    · If you are playing as a chocobo or esper. If you want to open a door you must equip/unequip one equipment and now your are Vaan and can open it, and while the screen is in black hold select again to have the custom appearance. If you try to open it with a chocobo or esper the game will freeze.

    · If you push select when you rent a chocobo your chocobo will be that character! (xD).

    · The characters (Ashe, Fran, Balthier, Penelo, Basch, ect.) will have the equipment you have equipped to them. If you wanna them without weapons you have to unequip them.

    Thats all.

    PD: Thanks to lee4 of codemasters project to joker it.