Can someone please help me out with the battle against Jecht? I continually die about halfway through the battle.
Level up, best weapons, easy win right there. Oh yeah, Holy is ridiculous, as well as Zanarkand Raid. Also, I'm being completely serious here. If you're having trouble, really the only thing to do is level up your character's sphere grids, and the final weapons let you easily hit past the damage cap, making the battle all the more simple. The fight becomes cake, essentially
Ok, thanks! I really appreciate the help! One last question though, whats the best location to grind and gain experience?
Omega Ruins is a pretty safe bet. Once you adjust to the monsters there, they give pretty hearty EXP that'll get you to the level you need to be. And yeah, if you can bring Holy into the fight it'll really speed things along. As far as boss strategies: Try and stagger the HP levels of the Yu Pagodas, so that you can always kill one right away when the other one wakes up. As long as one of them is out of commission, Jecht won't get his heals. Though beware that one of them will cast Osmosis when it's alone, which can be obnoxious for Tidus or Yuna. Hastega is super helpful for the first part of the fight, but for the second it's a must; you may have noticed but he almost outspeeds you even with a fully hasted party, so you don't wanna try and fight him without. If you're still having trouble, you can prepare Overdrives on all of your Aeons and then just launch them at him like missiles. Also, remember that Tidus can use Talk at anytime to delay his next action. I think it works at least two times. Hope that helps, good luck!
Um, actually, don't do the Aeon thing. I did that on my second playthrough, and once I used the overdrives, he just healed all the damage right off and murdered my aeons right after. The aeons are better off just sticking out of that fight. Also, if you're finding it hard to fight with your characters in the Omega Ruins, just have the ones you want to level most in a party with yuna, let them take their turns defending (just push triangle I believe), and then summon an aeon with yuna and kill them. Your characters only need to act once to get the exp, but if they don't do anything, they get zip
Good point, but it does work if you time it right. Having your Aeons weak enough that one hit will kill them, then ripping it when Jecht's about to take his turn, makes it a much safer and more effective strategy. Taking out the Pagodas with the attack also delays the healing factor somewhat. If your Aeons are strong enough they can outdamage him pretty easily. And since they (kinda) level with Yuna...
Oh, I could outdamage him. Aeon and the sisters were able to deal heavy blows alright, but because of how slow they were, and especially once you use an overdrive, Jecht gets so many turns left to attack right after it's rough. It'd take more time to level up Aeon stats that just get your character's levels up and not worry about it. Also, I one-shot kill Omega with the sisters when I fought him, and couldn't do it to Jecht, I found that very unfair
Along with what they said, try to kill the Yu Pagodas as close as you can to their max HP. When they revive, they come back with as much HP as they took damage before. For example, if you kill the left Yu Pagoda dealing a total 500,000 damage for that life and you kill the right one with a total of 68,000 damage for that life, then the left will revive with 500,000 HP and the right will revive with 68,000 HP. It still shouldn't be that much of a problem, but be aware of this so you're not making it harder for yourself if the fight drags on for a while and you're wondering why the Pagodas are taking longer and longer to kill.
I beg to differ. I may have spent way, way, waaaaaay too long level grinding and killing things, but I got Bahamut to the point he was able to literally 1 shot the first stage of Jecht, and then damn near solo the 2nd. Level grinding is time consuming, but it works.
See, I never worried to much about my aeons. When I could use spheres to up their stats, I did it very sparingly. I focused more on my characters than anything
I never used spheres to level up the aeons, I just powered up the living crap out of Yuna and that in turn powered them up, so I got the best of both worlds that way.