Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Answers

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2010.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Answers (Finished)

    Story ~ We've all heard about the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle which caused Sin's appearance and the creation of the Aeons as well as a never ending spirla of death, the Final Summoning born to destory Sin only to rebuilt after ten years of the Calm as Machian soon became forbidden,

    The last High Summoner was Lord Braska, a man wed to an Al Bhed who was looked down upon for this action until Sin was defeated, he only had two guardians, Jecht of Zanarkand and Auron of Bevelle, a monk as they journeyed together to defeat Sin.

    Now it is his daughter, Yuna's turn to take up the role of defeating Sin but fate throws in a twist, Tidus, son of Jecht arrives in Spira, claiming to be from Zanarkand but fate throws in yet another twist for the story, a white haired boy arrives in besaid with even stranger clothing than Tidus himself but forgotten his memoires but left with only a name, little does this boy know, he's a special being, what he is, that's his story to tell.


    This is an RP Based on FFX but instead of there only being Tidus, we're throwing in another new surprise into the mix to see the changes in it, certain events will happen of course.

    Yes, we can have OC's become Yuna's Guardians along the way as well as new enemies but Sin and Seymour are nevertheless, anatagionsts of Spira as you know.

    Romance is accepted but keep at PG-13, we're not Rated M in this lol

    Posts must be 3 sentences or more.

    Don't godmod, come on people, not everyone's invincible you know, even heroes and villians take damage at some point, sure the villians can retreat and come back stronger each time but in the end be defeated by the heroes.

    Most OC's can be two per person, the FFX Cast are one or two per person, that's up to you to decide.


    Tidus: Protecter212
    Auron: TwilightBlader
    Rikku: Aerith G.
    Wakka: Protecter212
    Lulu: Tsubaki
    Kimahri: Aerith G.
    Rikku: Aerith G.
    Seymour Guado:



    Anything else I missed? No? Good, then enjoy the character sheet.


    Name: This is pretty obivous of course.

    Age: Your character's age.

    Race: Are you a Human, Guado, Al Bhed, Ronso or even a Dream/Fayth? the choice is yours, you could even be halfing like Seymour.

    Appearance: Of course, this is cruicial so your fellow members and guardians know what you look like!

    Weapons: Swords, Staffs, Dolls, Blitzballs, Spears, Fists, the possibliltes are endless!

    Overdrive Name: Yes, your special attack in the game like Tidus's Swordplay, Auron's Bushido or Rikku's Mix

    Overdrive Attacks: You get the option of 4 choices like Spiral Cut, Slice & Dice, Energy Rain and Blitz Ace, for people like Lulu, Kimahri and Rikku, thye have their overdrive slot being one but able to use items, spells multiple times or use fiend's moves.

    Biography: Place of origin, a bit of your character's history with Spira.


    Name: Dean

    Age: 16

    Race: Human/???? (This will discovered during story.)


    Weapons: Dual Guns with dagger like weapons attached, effectively making him a long and short ranged fighter, these can also be considered machina as well.

    Overdrive Name: Twin Bullet

    Overdrive Attacks:

    Freeze Shot (Bullet of Ice)
    Trigger Rondo (Shoots around himself, attacking all enemies with quick strikes)
    Justice - Performs a kick on the enemy, flipping over and firing quick rounds upon a enemy
    Judgement - Kicks an enemy into the air and fires 3 focused rounds into the opponent from each gun before crossing the guns and firing a double shot into the opponent to cause massive damage, making a total of eight bullets.

    Biography: A teenager who has forgotten everything but his name and knows how to fight as he searches for answers to his questions, he mysteriously arrived in Besaid, he travelled around the island but never entered the actual village, keeping out of sight, keeping a close ear on events that occured, but a man from Zanarkand who arrived in Besaid by name of Tidus would hopefully have answers for him, he has yet to make contact with the blonde.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    You know I'm taking Yuna and Rikku, and am making myself an OC.

    Name: Kari

    Age: 16

    Race: Half-Al Bhed

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapons: Blitzballs and claws

    Overdrive Name: Mixing Blitz

    Overdrive Attacks: Raining Acid, Quick Shot, Split Calm, and Mix

    Biography: Kari lived at the Al Bhed's Home on the desert island of Bikanel, she was a foster child under of the care of Cid, the leader. As such, she was friends with Rikku and Brother. She is also part of the Al Bhed Blitzball team, and frequent in Al Bhed and English. She met Dean and Tidus when Rikku and Brother saved them, and hopes to see them again in Luca.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Accepted and listed down the characters taken, I'll also take on Tidus and another OC when I have the time to create him, but not right now.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    In what way is this a crossover role play? I must ask before deceiding to join or not.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I'll be make another character just for fun!

    Name: Lukya

    Age: 13

    Race: Guado

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: Bow and arrow

    Overdrive: Ravening Archer

    Overdrive Attacks: Darkening Arrow, Light Blast, Wind Ravager, and Thunder Shock

    Biography: Luyka is the younger half-sister to Maester Seymour Guado, but she is nothing like her older half-brother. As a sibling to a Maester, Lukya is given all the luxuries of a good life, but she wishes nothing more than to be a guardian to a Summoner, though Seymour tells her not. Lukya secretly plans to leave her brother and the traditions of the Guado to fulfill her dream. Little does she know that a innocent trip to Luca for the blitzball tourament will change her life forever.
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    To Tsubaki:

    Well, i couldn't really decide if it's Fantasy section or Crossover with OCs so that was a bit of a tough decsion

    To Aerith:

  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    There's a lot of game rps in the fantasy section, but I believe that they'd fit better in the media section... Well, either way, I really would perfer a rp of ff x without it being a crossover, so this is good. Maybe a mod will move it for you, in the meantime I can't have an oc profile up until Monday, eastern time.

    Is anyone Lulu? If not I wish to be, and I might take more cannon characters if I'm allowed to.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Of course, I'd happily welcome you to become Lulu and have two OC'sof your creation, it can even be one, it's up to you.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    When can we begin, Pro-kun?
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Was thinking of two cannon and only one oc actually. And probably wouldn't be Yuna's guardian; she has enough >w<
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    That is okay, you don't have to be an offical guardian either

    Name: Kazuhiro

    Age: 19

    Race: Human/????

    Appearance: guys/anime-1.jpg

    Weapons: Twin Daggers

    Overdrive Name: Double Blade

    Overdrive Attacks:

    Cross Slash - (Leaps at enemy and cross slashes, bypassing the enemy)
    Edged Madness - (Similar to Slice and Dice but with two daggers)
    No Mercy - (Leaps onto enemy and stabs rapidly with energy)
    End of Days - (focuses energy into teh daggerns and spins around, firing off crescent blades before charging at the oppnent and attacks with an cross slash then leaps back as an explosion occurs)

    Biography: An mysterious traveller with a strange prescence around him as he joins Yevon for his own needs, quickly ascending to Maester in secret, no-one knows much about him or what he is planning, all he ever said to others was his name and nothing more.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Can we start soon, Protecter?
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC: We'll start now, Tsubaki may post her OC's when she can, we'll also be starting in Besaid since that well, in my character's bio, he never met Tidus and the Al Bhed together, he came to Besaid much earlier then Tidus did but never known by the population of the village so you can say Dean and Kari met each other before Tidus's arrival in Spira, plus the begining would only have Tidus & Auron fighting their way through Dream Zanarkand, then Sin takes them to Spira, Tidus meets Al Bhed then helps them out with their dig and finally, Sin's attack on the ship, washing Tidus to Besaid.


    A blonde short spiky haired teenager rested within the water, obivous to where he was until he woke up and got ahold of his bearings. "Rikku!? Kari?!" the blonde spluttered out when that was the last thing he remembered, all he knew was he was saved by Al Bhed, worked for them, ate food and drank fresh water and finally, explaining about Zanrkand, his home until Sin attacked.

    "All alone again..." The blonde thought to himself, he was once again struck in a strange world and already was seperated from people who helped him until he felt something hit his head. "Ow!" He cried out as he noticed a Blitzball in the water, and soon the blonde was smiling until he looked at the shore, there was a group of men on shore and one called out. "Hey you okay!?" He asked as the blonde waved. ""Hey!!" He said before placing the ball on the water and dived underneath and soon came back up, blitzball in the air as he done a bicycle kick at the Blitzball as the ball spun fast towards the shore, almost intent on hitting the man who called him but it then went off course into the sky as teh team was surrpised and the man grinned as the blonde swam to shore.

    "Yo...hiya..." the blonde sheeplishy said as the man looked at him. "You wanna...try that more time?" He asked the blonde nodded veryquickly as a Blitzball was on his head. "Finally, things are starting to look up..." he thought as he performed his favourite shot by performing a bicycle kick as the Blitzball spun out into the ocean.

    "You no amateur, who you play for?" teh coach of the team asked as the blonde grinned. "The Zanarkand Abes!" He said proudly of his team as the coach seemed confused. "What team you say again?" He asked in confusion

    "Ah, think fast!" He thought and spoke. "Forget that. I got too, uh...close to Sin and my head's all foggy-like. So I don't know where this place is. Or even where I came from." the blonde said disappointed

    "Sin's toxin got to you. But, you're still alive. Praise be to Yevon!" He said as he cupped his hands together in prayer as he looked to his team. "All right, back to practice!" as hsi team did so with their own Blitzballs and teh coach turned to the blonde. "I'm Wakka, coach and captain of the Besaid Aurochs, brudda." He said as he shook the blonde's hand.

    "Uh...I'm Tidus." he responded as Wakka heard a growl and he laughed. "What? You hungry? Okay! Back to the village. I'll get you somethin'." He said as he walked to where the beach was leading into the mountains.

    "I've got to ask..." Tidus thought and spoke. "It's true Zanarkand was destroyed, right? A thousand years ago? So it's just a big pile of rubble now, isn't it?" he asked as Wakka turned to himself and crossed his arms. "Long time ago, there were a whole lot of cities in Spira. Big cities with machina-machines-to run 'em. People played all day and let the machina do the work. And then, well, take a look." Wakka turned to his head to some ruins as Tidus stared. "Sin came, and destroyed the machina cities. And Zanarkand along with 'em. Yeah, that was about a thousand years ago, just like you said. If you asked me, Sin's our punishment for letting things get out of hand. What gets me, we gotta suffer, 'cause of what some goofballs did way back when! 'Course, we must always repent for our sins! That's important! It's just that, it's hard to keep at it sometimes, you know?"

    "It was just as Rikku said. Wakka, Kari and Rikku couldn't be lying. Why would they?" Tidus thought to himself as Wakka laughed and got an arm aroudn Tidus's shoulder. "But you from the Zanarkand Abes-that was a good one! Hey, I'm not saying the team never existed, ya? But you gotta figure a team livin' in luxury like that'd be pretty soft, eh?" Wakka said as he patted Tidus's head and went on ahead as the said blonde stared out into the distance out of the beach before catching up.

    "Hey! It's this way!" Wakka called out as Tidus bent over the ledge to see shallow waters but then Wakka pushed him in. "Whoa!" As he hit the water and Wakka dived in after him as Tidus came up. "What's the big idea!?" He asked as Wakka grinned. "It's the swimmer's entrance to the village." He responded as Tidus sighed and started to swim in the direction since he couldn't get back to where he was, after a while, he was held by the neck at Wakka. "Hey lemme go!" he said in surprise.

    "Got a favor to ask ya." He said and Tidus knew what it was. "You want me on your team, right?" He asked as Wakka let go and Tidus sank in the water before coming back for air and swimming on his back, listening.

    "A major blitz tournament's coming up. All the teams in Spira'll be there! It's so huge, I'm sure someone there will recognize you! Then you can go back to your old team, right? It'll be fun! What do you say, huh? Come on, come on!" He said as Tidus stared up at the sky. "Sure thing." he said as he swam into teh cave. ""Dude! Our team is gonna rock eh!" Wakka said before realizing Tidus was already underwater and followed suit before they ended up on a dry path as they stared down at the village from a mountain.

    "This is where I was born. I started blitz when I was five. I joined the Aurochs at thirteen...ten years ago. Ten years...and we never won a game. Well, after last year's tournament, I quit. Time seemed right." He said as the two walked down the path. "So, after quitting, I got this new job, ya? But every time my mind
    wandered, I thought about the game.

    "Ten years without a single win'll that to you." Tidus said in thought as Wakka nodded. "My first match last year was my big chance. But something else was on my
    mind. I couldn't focus."
    he said a she thought about that time.

    "Nice excuse." Tidus said as Wakka looked at him. "Hey, hey!" He said to Tidus, a bit red as Tidus crossed his arms. "So you want to win the next tournament-go out with a bang." He said as Wakka nodded in response.

    "So what's our goal?" He asked him as Wakka rubbed his orange hair. "I don't care what we do. Long as we play our best. If we give it our all, I can walk away happy." Wakka admitted and Tidus turned around to stare at him.

    "No, no, no, no, no. If I say, "What's our goal?" you say, "Victory!" When you play in a blitzball tournament, you play to win!" Tidus said confidently as Wakka looked at him in surprise. "Victory? You serious?" He asked as Tidus nodded as the two walked to the entrance.

    "Ah the one from the sea." A red haired man spoke as his friend stood by him. "Be on guard, there are fiends on the road today!" he said as teh two entered the village and Tidus looked confused. "Who were they?" He asked with a puzzled look. "Luzzu and Gatta, Crusaders. He asnwered and Tidus blinked. "Crews of what?" he asked again.

    "What, you forgot that, too?" Wakka asked him as Tidus looked down. "Hey, sorry. Don't worry about it. I'll help you out." Wakka said in apology, he'd forgotten Tidus was near Sin's toxin. "Cool. In return, come tournament time, I'll make sure we take the cup!" Tidus said with a grin and Wakka nodded. "Cool. About the Crusaders, you can ask them yourself. They've got a
    lodge in the village."
    He said and Wakka turned around to proceed onwards as Tidus followed.

    "Besaid Village!" He said with a grin as Tidus looked around from where he stood. "Got any food there?" he asked and Wakka laughed. "We'll get you something over there later. Take a look around first. Let's see... The Crusaders Lodge is over yonder. Luzzu and Gatta are usually there." Wakka said as he pointed to the tent. "Oh, right. Over here!"

    Walkka lead him outside the wall of Besaid Village. "You remember the prayer right?" Wakka asked him and Tidus stood there as he thought about it, he never prayed in his life, not that Wakka needed to know that. "You...must have forgot or something. Here, I'll show you." wakka did the prayer he did at teh beach. "You try." he said as Tidus did the same. "Not bad, now go and present yourself to the temple summoner." Wakka said a she went inside the village and Tidus stared at his hands.

    "It's the Blitzball sign for victory..." he thought and brushed his hands together before proceeding to the Crusader Lodge, he was curious about these guys who explained about Sin and their purpose and soon, Tidus found himself at the temple, looking up at a statue.

    "Ten years have passed since Lord Braska became high summoner. And finally we receive a statue for our temple." Teh elder spoke as Tidus was confused ocne again. "What's a high summoner?" he asked a steh elder looked at him in shock and Tidus quickly caught on. "I, uh, got too close to Sin's...toxin." he said as teh Elder did the prayer and looked up Braska's statue.

    "The summoners are practitioners of a sacred art, sworn to protect the people of Yevon. Only a chosen few become summoners, who call forth entities of great power: the aeons. The aeons hear our prayers and come down to us. They are the blessing of Yevon>" He said as Tidus looked up and left the temple, checking the huts before finding the hut that Wakka stayed in. "Sorry, man. No time for lunch yet. Take a nap! You look bushed." he said as Tidus nodded and slept on the bed as the preist came ina while later, taking Wakka with him.

    Tidus awoke the next morning and foudn Wakka no longer where he was. "Wakka?" Tidus asked and asked a villager where he was who mentioned the temple so he went to check. "Is something wrong?" He asked as Wakka explained there was a summoner within the Trials but hasn't returned after a day.

    "Is it...dangerous in there at all?" He asked Wakka who looked at him ""Sometimes, yes." He said as Tidus began to run up the stairs. "What if the summoner dies!?" he asked right away as the elder from yesterday spoke. "The precepts must be obeyed!"

    "Like I care!" Tidus asnwered and went inside, he soon figured out how the Cloister of Trials worked and finished it as Wakka arrived soon after. "Hey! What's gotten into you? Hey, it's okay. Only summoners, apprentice summoners, and their guardians can enter here. It's a tradition. Very important." Wakka said the plaform started to move.

    "What about you?" Tidus asked and Wakka crossed his arms. "Me? I'm a guardian. Summoners go on a pilgrimage to pray at every temple in Spira. Guardians protect them. The guardians in there now..." Wakka said as the platform stopped. "One of them's got a short fuse, and who knows what the other's thinking. Well, now that we've come this far...might as well go all the way! He said the two entered teh chamber, coming across two people in the room, one was a black haired female with many belts and the other was a strongly built blue skinned warrior with a broken horn.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The blue warrior was quiet, waiting for the summoner within the chamber.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC: Tsubaki, until you post I'll control Lulu until you post yourself.

    Wakka held a hand to his face at the woman that approached them. "What are you doing here? Didn't think we'd be able to handle it?" The woman asked them as Wakka was about to respond. "No, it's's just..." Wakka started to say and whispered to Tidus. "See, I told you she gets mad easy."

    Tidus had to agree with his friend and remembered about the summoner quickly. "Is the summoner all right?" He asked teh woman who stared at him, surpise was laid within her eyes but she didn't show it. "Who...are you?" She asked him but then a noise was heard as the door up the stairs was opening and Tidus was amazed at who was emerging, she was a beautiful young woman wearing a kimono and she evidently was tired by her way of walking out the room.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The young woman slowly walked out to everyone and almost fell down the stairs, but the blue warrior caught her. She reassured the warrior she was alright and stood up and got her hair in place, she smiled at the people, her bi-colored eyes shining. "I.... I did it. I have become a summoner."
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    The woman had smiled in her own way as she and Wakka were leading everyone out and Tidus came out of the Cloister of Trials last as he ran out and heard Wakka. "Hey over here!" He called out and Tidus ran to him only to be grabbed in a headlock and brought to a circle of people, standing away from the summoner. "I can't see anything!" Tidus remarked as Wakka let him go and Tidus turned around to look as Wakka called out to the woman. ""Ready!"
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The woman nodded at Wakka and got into a stance, holding a stance. A magical circle appeared from underneath her feet and a light shot into the sky, making it overcast. From the clouds appeared a strange looking bird, the woman gently stroked its beak and smiled.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Tidus was surprised at the bird-like creature and even more surprised the villagers weren't screaming or running but he could feel a kind of gentleness from it even though he never seen something like this before before watching the bird leave on a slient command as Wakka and the woman from before cheered and much later, the night had come upon Besaid.

    "Let me introduce you to the team." Wakka said and put an arm around Tidus's shoulder. "This guy wants into the tournament so bad, I let him on the team. His memory's a little fuzzy, so don't mind him if he says anything odd!" Wakka said and pushed Tidus forward a bit. "Come on, say hi."

    Tidus looked at the Besaid Aurochs and spoke. "Er...hi..." He said as the team said hello back. "So what's our goal?" he asked immedately as a new subject a sthe team shouted. "To do our best!" They responded as Wakka smiled. "Nope, we got a new goal now! Our new victory! To win every match, defeat every opposing team! To bring the Crystal Cup back to our island! That's all we need to do to win! Easy, ya? He said a sthe team started to sya it then repeated it until they were shouting it out proud as Tidus smiled, it looked like this team had spirit as he left them to their own devices and approached the female summoner.

    "You heathen!" One old man said as he noticed Tidus approach and an elderly woman spoke after him. "Stay away from the summoner!" She said as a little girl spoke up. "You're a bad man!" as Tidus was shocked, he wasn't expecting the villagers to keep him away from the summoner,. "Then again...I did barge in the Trials..." he thought to himself as the old man noticed the summoner move. "Lady Yuna, be careful!" He warned her.

    "So, her name's Yuna..." He thought to himself
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I will be alright." She walked to him and smiled, introducing herself. "My name is Yuna."
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