Video Final Fantasy X-2: Remixed

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by AJ the Keyblader, Nov 16, 2006.

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  1. AJ the Keyblader Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Look around. See? I'm not behind you, am I?
    Final Fantasy X-2: Remixed

    Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy X-2, Yuna, Paine, or (sadly) Rikku... sniff. I also do not own any KH characters I put in here.

    Summary: Once again, a Remixed version of a Square game. This will get funny, so watch out!!!! I will be using a GameFAQs game script, so thanks GameFAQs for having it on there and Oliver Kong for submitting it! Basically, some lines are from the actual game, and others are made by ME!!!!!!! AND SINCE I'M USING A GAME SCRIPT, THE FANFIC WILL BE IN SCRIPT FORM!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

    My Original Character:
    Name: AJ
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: One Winged Angel and Daimond Dust Keyblades
    Weapon Effects: One strengthens Fire spells, the other strengthens Blizzard spells.
    Looks: look for it in the review section!!!!!
    Bio: Yuna and Rikku's best friend. He appears in an Organization XIII robe when Yuna and Rikku see him again, and they don't recconize him. He calims that he's traveled to other worlds, and no one belives him. Of course, there are three faries in his jacket pocket know the truth... And so does his friend Sora.

    We begin this Remixed version of FFX2 by watching a movie (or reading a scene) of the view of Luca then in the Blitzball stadium, the crowds are excited about the concert. The setting then switches to one guard KO'ed. Paine moves forward and then Rikku speaks through receiver.
    Rikku: Y, R, P, in position. It's showtime, girls
    AJ and Sora, who just happen to be on the ceiling(AJ in an Organization Robe at the time), watches all the action from above.
    AJ: (saying to Sora) So... they're gonna do it, then...
    Sora: But what ARE they gonna do?
    AJ: Dunno... But we'll find out
    The center platform rises and bands are rehearsing and then, the camera shows Yuna in her summoner outfit changing into her songstress outfit and starts singing the song "real EMOTION". The onscreen name, "Yuna" appears. Rikku watches the performance through her binocular. Then a guard tries to stop her and Rikku got mad and knocked him out. Then, the onscreen name, "Rikku" appears. Then Paine appears and knocked out a guard. After doing so, the onscreen name, "Paine" appears. Paine slides down from a stair rail and catches up with Rikku. AJ and Sora stealthily jump on the platform (knocking out the guards pursuing them) and the onscreen names, "AJ" and "Sora" appear in a Kingdom Hearts-like font. The platform tilts when AJ and Sora jump on. After the song is over, the FINAL FANTASY X-2 title appears. Rikku and Paine ride on the platform to the center platform, with the Keyblade weilding heroes hidden behind the two girls.
    Rikku: Did you feel that?
    Paine: (shakes her head)

    So, how'd you like the prolouge?? Read and review, peeps, because if you don't, I'll take Marluxia's syth and take your heart!!!!! (J/K)

    Note: This is directly from, and I WROTE IT!!!!!!!
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