Final Fantasy Wars

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HighSummonerYanu, May 13, 2009.

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  1. HighSummonerYanu Moogle Assistant

    Jul 11, 2008
    Where i live is of no concern to the public D:
    In the not so distant future where an evil force has been sealed within a crater of lost souls, The four crystals sealing him soon died out atleast 60 years later after he was imprisoned. A group of descendants of the crystal warriors rise up to take on the darkness. They possess great skill in the arts and some have come upon new arts that would posses great help. Within the walls of the homes the story of their descendants told, destroying the darkness and bringing peace to the continent. Now that darkness thought to have been destroyed has risen up from the other side creating a new breed, a breed of wild disobedient lackies and greater power distinguishing itself in full darkness. The head chiefs of every village had brought it upon themselves to warn the children of the crystal warriors. The children were sent far away by the village chiefs to ensure that the shroud could not touch them and they would be sae to develope their abilities. As time went on the children had learned all they needed to. they only became the ages of twelve to 20. Soon the shroud appeared and engulfed the islands where the crystals of earth, fire, water, and wind resided. The demons stormed the ancient tombs and castles. soon the bombardment eminating from both the living and the undeath, High Lord Vampirus of Lugaru arised. To ensure that he would not be sealed away again as his descendant did so many years ago, he shattered the crystals at once. The parents of the crystal warriors had hidden them underneath a trap door to ensure their safety. As the darkness that drew near and High Lord Vampirus of Lugaru at the head of it, they came to destroy the only light left. the battle of Light and Darkness ensues.

    (If u wish to join this thread please post the name of the character what age that character is in the age range and what abilities he possesses as well as a discription of his or her appearance. If u do not like the Villains name please e-mail me with one that would be suitable for this. To ensure for greater stability i would like for someone to be Reasonable enough to take care of the story in my absence in case i forget to post it. So if you want to take that position gladly leave me an e-mail and i will see how it works out.)

    Character's Name: Ignus Asus
    Age: 13
    description and Abilities: Summons Divine beings of elements, can summon two at once but leaves the user unconcious and if used more than once in succession can lead to a fatal death. Can also heal but cannot go higher than a true white mage.
    He has spikey-short blue hair with long blonde hair, he has a horn lached on his side which aids in the calling of the Divine Beings, also wields unknown powers that pertain to the lore attached to his weapon.
    Son of: Summoner, Argustus L. Asus (Father) and White Mage, Laylus J. Arastious Asus (Mother), Both deceased from the onslaught on the island.
    Siblings: Unknown
    Village: Paokra Summoner Village.
    Weapons: A bow, healing capabilities, a horn, and later on Sky shatter horn.
    Lore for Sky Shatter Horn: It is said that this horn can combine the divine beings into one, other effects lead to fatal ends or worse but are not known.

    (u can be as vivid in imagination as u want with your character in the end the villains name may change depending if everyone doesn't like the current or upcoming names, update your discriptions if you say his name in the discription or if you want to BE the villain again send me an email on here and i'll respond back. Please when your the villain don't act as if your a divine being and cannot be touched. thank you.)
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    May I ask if this is Final Fantasy based or is it just the name? I wasn't able to tell from the plot.

    Also there is a PM system that makes things easier so you don't have to e-mail each other.
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