Square-Enix Final Fantasy VII

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Majik, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    why do you think this game was SO successful?
    the soundtrack for advent children sold very good and not to mention this game has 2 sequals and 1 prequal. they even stated the don't want to "let go" of cloud just yet.

    who's lucky enough to own this game?
    which FF7 "things" do you own

    i'm addicted to this game =]
  2. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    The biggest leap for the Final Fantasy games has to be this one, mainly because it went from the casual 2D to advanced 3D, it was the first unlike it's kind.
  3. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007

    The technology used to create the game, at the time, had a VERY heavy impact on its popularity.
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I remember when i first saw the trailer for this game (when i was a wee lass), i was completely blown away by it. I was so different to the games i use to play (SNES, Mega Drive). It wouldn't be to several years later that i actually got to play it. By that point the graphics seemed like crap to me and was a major turn off. That doesn't matter to me now. I feel in love with the characters and the plot of the game. It stands to be one of my favourite games of all time.
  5. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    What's not to like about it? It's got a great plot, fun battle system, unique characters and awesome twists. I've only rented it, but I still love that game.
  6. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    woops i forgot about before crisis so it has 2 prequals =P

    is it true that you can fight zack in the game?
  7. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    Yes, it is true.

    But i believe, that FF VII is popular, because it has exellent plot and it has great
    ability system, characters are also pretty cool.
  8. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    how do you fight zack?
  9. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    *Takes cover from the rabid FF VII fanboys*

    The game, in my opinion, is completely over hyped. The characters weren't that great, (I only really liked Red XIII, Yuffie, Cid and The Turks; the rest were pretty boring) the battle system is broken and makes the game ridiculously easy (4x Cut and whatnot really take away the challenge) and the bosses need much more HP. I beat Sephiroth before he even got to attack. Yuffie's Conformer + 4x Cut means you'll be doing 39996 damage a turn with just one character. IIRC, I hate Sephiroth a total of 10 times - a final boss should not go down that fast. The secret bosses were so overpowered that if you want to beat them, you'll practically have to use cheap strategies (Death Penalty damage overload, Mimicing Knight of the Round, spamming Hero Drinks etc.) which really takes away the feeling of accomplishment when you beat them. Don't get me wrong, I do like the game, but only for nostalgia and for the good soundtrack, but this game is completely over hyped. Most people seem to find the story something spectacular, but it's basically a cliché RPG plot set in a more modern time - nothing special at all.

    Advent Children was just a tool to show off their amazing CGs, but otherwise it was a complete piece of garbage. Crisis Core does have good graphics and the battle system looks somewhat interesting, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. I will, however, be getting the game for nostalgia. :x

    FF VII wasn't complete rubbish, but it's not as awesome as some people try making it. I'll play FF IX over this any day.
  10. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    yes i do agree, FF7 is very overrated in many ways
    and yea the 4x cut made you to overpowering and made the enemies seem dull =[

    haha your suppose to kill sephy with 1 move =P
    i own crisis core, you should have fun with it =]

    FF IX is actually my favorite out of the whole series (so far)
    so same with me =P
  11. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    FFVII was so ovverrated its not even funny. sure it was an awesome game, but its not the greatest game in existance.
  12. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    Good sound effects , first to be in 3-D , and good char. development
  13. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    first to be in 3d, but not last to be in 3d. there have been many improvements made and there are plenty of better games. but it is still nice to come back to teh classics
  14. japanasian54 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 12, 2008
    i agree that FFVII is overrated and yes it does have a plot in it. BUT the only reason why i like it was that.... TIFA is really really Hot! XD

    By the way i think my favorite is. . . . . -thinking process- is. . . im sorry but it has to go with FFX-2 even tho it was extremely easy. But i like the battle system. it was really different then FF7, 8, and 9. Also.. Girls with guns and short shorts are hot. XD
  15. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I like Dirge Of Cerberus I don't see why it has bad ratings, I thought playing as Vincent was fun.
  16. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I agree... 6 had everything 7 did minus the graphics.

    Not saying that 7 isnt a great game... its just that its a star amonst stars!

    FF Tactics had the best storyline, even if graphics sucked and the game was rushed to the US market..

    The best combat system also belongs to FF Tactics, even though it was way too slow.

    Another honorable mention, FF4! Classic tail of the greatest hero, coming from the darkest source. Its an epic tail of repentance.

    *Hides from FF 7 fanboys*
  17. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    FF7 might not be the best game graphically nowadays but graphics should not be the only reason video games exist. If anyone plays games solely based on graphics, then they're missing out.

    FF7 had a good solid storyline that continues to be expanded in the present day. People might complain about them but I personally enjoy Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children. I never played Before Crisis since my cell phone doesn't support it.

    Also, FF7 had great character development. You knew what the characters wanted and personally, any game that lets you see what the baddies are up to is great. It's not just 'Cloud and co. slayed another beastie.' No, you saw what ShinRa was up to.

    Also when FF7 was released, it was about 80% completed. Now I don't know what the other 20% was but a game that wasn't 100% when it was released. I don't know of any other games that can claim that.
  18. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    Final Fantasy Tactics was incomplete, thats why it left the game on a cliffhanger. There was supposed to be a chapter 5. And its storyline was even more epic. Its the first time I played a game, and actually wanted to kill a character simply becuase they were that bad.

    Sephiroth was bad, but its not like I personally hated him like I did Dycedarg and Delita *HIGHLIGHT THIS LINE TO SEE SPOILERS FROM FFT*
  19. Hero Form Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 12, 2007
    I pretty much got into this game because I heard from other people that it was a great game. So, using Popstation, I got it for my PSP.
  20. RealAmericanHero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    About this game, I had to get Yuffie to get farther in the game.
    I know she and Vincent r secret, but I coudln't get past Wutai until she joined my party.

    I didn't know waht to do, so I walked around forever and found out Yuffie comes out in forests almost all the time lol.

    I didn't want her, but I tried it our just to see if I could finish up Wutai with her, and it worked, but I know she's secret.

    Can someone tell me something about what happened, or if Wutai is optional also?
