So I'm in the Underworld after you get shot down my dwarfs. Going into the castle, exploring, getting all the things there... Then I watched the cutscenes then do the weird doll fight. I know that you shouldn't get rid of one set other wise they all form into a nasty boss. Done that, easy. Its the Golbez fight. After Rydia comes in, Golbez unleashes tons of magik onto me which sucks. Then when I try to do summons or the Eidolieon, it HEALS him! No matter what I do, i'm curing him.... I just can't kill him because he kills Rydia then all the others I revied and then kills Cecil.... :.-.: Help?
Use libra with Cecil/ Rosa It will tell you his weakness If weakness is: Fire use Ifrit Ice use Shiva Thunder use Ramuh After the eidolon does damage to Golbez he will change his weakness and you will have to use Libra again to know his weakknes. Make sure to cast slow on Golbez