Final Fantasy High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HighSummonerYanu, Jul 11, 2008.

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  1. HighSummonerYanu Moogle Assistant

    Jul 11, 2008
    Where i live is of no concern to the public D:

    (I will update this every morning to make sure everyone else gets up to date. and please enjoy!)

    I decided to make a Final Fantasy High School.

    also the headmaster was turned into a moogle by a new found spell and all he can say is Kupo. (XD)

    The school itself can be from the FFVII aspect if you like but if you have anyother suggestions as to it being from one of the other ones then inform me on here.

    The schools curriculum includes alot of classes, on different jobs that are in FF (though FFX did not have a job system it still had the magic spells and what not)

    Of course every game ussually has the evil boss to fight against (namely the bully/popular kids.)

    There is also a Plague on Humanity that is sealed away under the school, that if anything happens to set the threat free from it's sealed imprisonment, the students might have a bit more fighting to do than with eachother.

    Summoning Course (teaches you how to call upon an avatar could also help you get your own power avatar((any aeon/avatar/summon from FF series)))
    Black Magic Course (teaches you how to harness the magic)
    White Magic Course (teaches you how to kill undead enemies and heal wounds)
    Swordsmanship Course (teaches you the different sword techniques you can use and basics)
    Samurai Way Course (before using heavier weapons suggests this course)
    Ninja Course (Lighter Weapons for use in this course and also teaches you how to dual wield)
    How to kill an enemy Course (Teaches you how long a monster could stand up to your attacks before it is defeated)
    The Elements Course (teaches you how you should use the elemental attacks and non-elemental attacks during use of battle)
    Chemist Course (uses the mixing technique to help anyone in a fight)
    Thievery Course (teaches you how to pilfer from the enemy to use for the groups needs)
    and many other courses for each job.

    Some courses can be used in conjunction with eachother to make your character take other courses also.
    Some of the courses have sub courses into the basics of each to the final test being how you can use the magic/summoning/skills you have learned. The courses can take a whole year to train if someone cannot tap into their "roles"

    As for teachers, There really wouldn't be any need for them unless you want to be one, just inform me if you want to be one and i can make you one. (Maximum of Teachers is about 10 i think)

    (Courses does not include any Time, Mimic, Dancer, courses ((bard too if it is wierd.))

    (This is my first post.)

    For this you will need to fill out:
    Name of character:
    Class: (What your character will learn in the course)
    Level of Mastery: (or would be the years you would be learning to master each level)
    Background History:
    As for mine i'll fill out a form.

    Name: Trevor
    Age: 14
    Class: Summoner
    Personality: Fun to hang around with, enjoys any friends, has a pet squirrel, smart, loyal to friends.
    Level of Mastery: Beginner/1
    Background:Trevor's family is skilled with summoning magic when his great great grandfather had been of great use against the plague on humanity 300 years ago. His father did not have potential summoner blood in him when he had tried to get into the course for the school. He became a greatswordsmen and tradesmen. Trevor was brought to the school when he was just 2 months old and was sought to have the aura of a true summoner but since he was only just a baby he couldn't call or summon at that age. as time had passed trevor started showing signs of calling, but it wasn't just any summon, he had called on the great Bahamut, his parents were astonished at the age of 5 he had called the great Bahamut. They apologized to him and he had said to them, there is no need to worry whomever calls me with such great power would become a great summoner like his great great grandfather High Summoner Traversius, Bahamut's words had put joy into Trevor's Father who implied that when Trevor had reached age 14, he would come to the school to learn the skills of being a summoner. a few months later after Trevor's 9th birthday his parents were attacked while coming home from a village, The monsters in the forest had pillaged the cart and the only thing that was found was his mothers ribbon. 3 years later Trevor worked for a family friend who was a butcher, Trevor in the back area was moving crates for the guy. He had heard a thud and looked over him finding a Squirrel looking up in fear, and Eagle was diving down to recapture his lunch, Trevor acted fast and had grabbed a piece of meat, which he threw up atleast a foot under the eagle who captured it and flew off, from that day the Squirrel and Trevor were friends.
    Discription: Light Brown hair that can change shades with his mood, two different eye colors (right is blue, left is green), he wears a cloak that is short sleeved, on the right arm he has a plate on it in a cool design, left arm has a design only summoners would know, the weapon of choice he carry's is his great great grandfathers, Staff of Calling, used by any summoner but only one was made, the staff was used in the great war where the great plague on humanity was sealed away 300 years ago, it was handed down to Trevors great grandfather and to his grandfather who on his deathbed had finally given Trevor's father the weapon. The ribbon tied on The Staff of Calling, was a momento of his mothers, in the pillage of his parents items cart, the only article of clothing that was found was only his mothers ribbon.
    (heheh forgot the discription of your character too! XD)
  2. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Well, let me join in then!:D

    Name of character: Cymon
    Age: 14
    Class: Manipulate thunder (mage)
    Personality: Cymon is a mostly selfish person, and want to do things all by himself. He is also pretty aggressive
    Level of Mastery: 2
    Background History: Cymon never known his parents. He was found in a deserted village, and was held in adoption.
  3. HighSummonerYanu Moogle Assistant

    Jul 11, 2008
    Where i live is of no concern to the public D:
    OK! got one person =] need some more people and you are in! ^__^

    Please anyone else want to join that would be great/awesome =]

    (also if you can draw and want to submit what your character looks like you can do so ^-^
    I am at the moment of this time drawing what my character looks like and the type of weapon he wields in some fights that might break out at the school (lol) there will be fights between characters or cause of conflict too.)
  4. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Sure, I'll try. I'm pretty good at drawing!
    (Maybe I'll ask users if they could join in!)
  5. HighSummonerYanu Moogle Assistant

    Jul 11, 2008
    Where i live is of no concern to the public D:
    Thanks that would help alot also, Oh i already got finished with what i was doing but i just need to put some finishing touches on my b&w drawing.
  6. HighSummonerYanu Moogle Assistant

    Jul 11, 2008
    Where i live is of no concern to the public D:
    It seems that this RP might not continue if we don't get more members i might have to just scrap it all together.
    Might make or join a different RP. i am sorry that this didn't work out much (the description of my character seems to just be too much for this rp and well it made him seem like everything would revolve around him, chances are it might but other people would be able to have it revolve into them.) Sadly if anyone wants to take this and remake it use the idea, but for everything else that i've done like my RP character please do not use him. i made him and i really don't want him being taken from me to serve for other rp'ers uses.
    i apologize thought to the only person who was excited for this RP and for his enthusiasm on going to get more people for it. Thank you man.... would have possibly been a great RP.
    If any mods want to delete this though go ahead and if you want to take this from me to use just send me a PM.
    Thanks again to those who have viewed but didn't touch. cya.

    (I am not leaving i am just saying cya to those who have viewed the RP but didn't take a liking to it.)
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