Wasn't sure if this goes in the Squeenix thread or here, so I apologize in advance if I'm wrong. Anyway, tickets go on sale in 2 days time! Is anyone else planning on going?I went last year and absolutely loved it. If anyone is debating whether or not to go I strongly recommend going, it's a really incredible experience! My friend also went last year and met Nobuo Uematsu there, lucky person. For people going/thinking of going, what songs would you like or hope will be on the setlist? I think 'Not alone' from FFIX has to be the one for me.
I went last year as well and thought it was absolutely amazing. The music was fangtastic. I'm definitely going back this year. I would really like to see some FFX music this year. They only had To Zanarkand representing it so they need some more stuff. FFIX as well, that game has so many lovely pieces. Two Hearts Not Captured...my gosh I would cry so hard.
*facepalm* I want to go so badly! But I highly doubt my mother would let me go down myself, considering I have no one to go down with .-. I would definitely go if I could though, no questions. As for music, I agree that some FFX stuff might be good, I'd personally love to hear "Someday the Dream Will End".
Aw it would be a shame if you couldn't go. Do you have any siblings or local friends you could go down with? Or maybe someone on here who's going? And yes 'Someday' would be incredible, I'd love to hear that full orchestra. *Fangtastic*...I see what you did thar. But yeah I'd love Yuna's theme from X in there. Vincent's theme or Cid's theme from VII I'd love as well, but I'm not sure if either are long enough or popular enough to warrant a full orchestral arrangement. And of course all the old classics. When the whole hall was quiet and the harp played the start of the prelude it was just magic. I think I'd love more stuff from FF1 as well, I mean they had the medley but nothing from it on it's own. Maybe a whole medley from 1 instead of a 1-3 medley so they could fit more in, like the underwater temple theme. Speaking of 'Two hearts not captured, have you heard KyleAndry's version? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGhOjl4Pzn8
I was there last year too. I fangasmed. The music was amazing and the atmosphere are great. I really would like to get a KHV meet-up together if enough of us go this year. It would eb awkward as hell but fun!! I echo Kitty, I really want more FFX and FFIX music. Rose of May, Vamo Alla Flamenco, MEMORIES OF LIFE, Suteki da Ne, other FFX choons would be great. I'd also like them to do the Theme. They do it during the I, II and III medley, but they did it full at Tour de Japon, and I'de really like them to do it of Distant Worlds. I'm excited.
For all those who didn't see my post in the other thread: GUYS NEW TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE! BUY NOW! They've added standing room in the Gallery! £25 each GO GO GO! I got me and my family some :D EXCITED Ilduhtgidhidriuh