I was wondering when someone would make a thread. I have it. It's pretty decent, though some online people just don't play well or play too well. At first I found a person with a lilty that hindered me, and then I found a yuke(like me) that beat up the boss in 5 seconds. *shrugs* I have the wii version.
Yeah,that's why you should search for people to play with on forums,like i'm trying to do here. And it looks like we won't be able to play...i have the DS version. What's the diference?
We can play, it doesn't matter, it's the same game. The whole point of this game was to connect the game together. I'd add you if you want. There is mainly no difference, just the screen positioning. Though I would much rather play with someone I can actually take the time to talk to or on these forums, than someone unknown to me.
I'm sorry. I am fairly weak, I just finished the aqueducts and I'm around level 7. If that's not good enough, then I'll go with my story and perhaps we can go together some other time.