FF and KH are my two favourite game series from Square Enix My favourite Final Fantasy games are: Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core I like all the Kingdom Hearts games
Whilst we are all 'very' proud of you, there is already two sections of the forum where you can express your love and interest for FF and KH. We use this section to talk about 'other games' in case you haven't noticed. @advent_of_apocalypse; They're making a remake, I heard. The 'Tales of' series has been pretty fine too.
Secret of Mana ftw. Crisis Core is fun...I'm obsessed with it right now. Not much of a point to this thread...>_>
Remove This Damn Thread! I just realized that this was no importance...if any of u are mods...remove this ****.
Any user that doesn't have a dark blue or pink name is a mod. So basically, no one here is a mod. Just PM the mod of this board (displayed at the bottom next to the currently active users list).