Awesome FF 9 commercial. It's so awesome.
Funny although I don't think coke can do that. (Trivia~Where was Coke invented? Yes I know the answer.)
...Woooow, damn the Japanese, they made something else thats awsome, that is really a cool advert, they should convert it into English and advertise it here and in America.
RUN BOY, RUUN! THE SACRED COKE BOTTLE CAP IS GETTING AWAY!!! lol, this is great. They should import commercials like this
Nah! I thought it was Garnet who scared it away. XD w00t ive seen that one before and i would DEFINITLY BUY COKE IF IT CAME ON MY TV!
LOL. That was awesome. Kinda like that Final Fantasy XII Potion ad in Japan except less spells and stuff. Should have had a scene with Zidane drinking the actual Coke though :D.
American commericals are sooo boring they're just like "It has 30% more meat to keep me going." FF+Soda=Heaven