Do u think they are going 2 make a Remake of FF8 ppl still enjoy that game it in second place for BEST PS FF What do u think plz reply
this is =P dont expect the PSX Final Fantasy games to be remade, only way you'll probably be satisfied with a newer version are with mods
i think FF7 is the only chance for remake. i mean c'mon, Square just doesn't have enough of showing off their golden boy :inlove:
Yeah...I only like FF8 because I'm unable to hate it, since it was the first game I got for my PSX and first 3D game in general. >_>; The battle system was really cool though. Should've been more restrictions, you could practically make yourself invincible. D^:
The amount of time it took was usually seen as too big a bump to climb over and deal with. Too bad most people tried anyway. I've been able to do worse, like use devour on all my characters to the point where only 1 or two things would be junctioned; everything else was perfect. Who knows what Square will do once most of us have forgotten these titles. It could happen. Until then Dissidia seems to be the come-back game so maybe we'll see more of them. SE has been milking FF7 enough. As good as the game is, it's time to move on...and remake the 2D FF's.
God I hope not, I despised FF8, i could not play that game, it was so dull and boring, I fell asleep 5 times playing it.
I can't see that happening. Final Fantasy VII has been milked enough, FF VIII doesn't seem popular enough for a remake to get very good sales numbers and wasn't that good to begin with and Final Fantasy IX looks beautiful as it is and doesn't really need any extra content either so I find it highly doubtful that they'll remake any of the PSX titles. The only reason I like FF VIII the slightest bit is due to nostalgia and because I love a couple of tracks from the game, but the soundtrack as a whole is pretty bad compared to that of FF VII and IX.