Fight For Your Life

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nova, Sep 25, 2010.

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  1. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    You can't trust anyone here. Not your best friend, not your family, no one.

    Fight for your survival,
    Fight to win,​
    Fight for your freedom.​

    The world is ending one day at a time, and it seems there is nothing anyone can do about it. All hope is lost. Time is up.

    Everyone is selfish. If you’re not, you die, end of story.
    But that’s not the end of this story.

    Sometimes there is such a thing as strength in numbers. When all hope is lost, and you have someone you can look up to, you know everything will be okay.

    Though it may be our downfall, humankind can’t help it. We love, hate, and value things regardless of what our feelings may do to us. This is why we fight. Fighting seems to be the only answer to fixing everything. You’re rewarded when you win, right? That’s how it’s supposed to go, right? Wrong, there are no rewards. There will only be death. Another’s death is what it takes for one to survive, and to be more powerful.

    Everyone watches the news. Everyone knows what is going to happen, but no one knows how to stop it. The end of the world is coming. No one understands why or how they know, but they do. No one knows what, or how it will happen, but they know it will.

    Ceaseless fighting transpired day after day, night after night.

    One evening, a human from Earth’s future told a young man around the age of twenty, that the only way to save the Earth was to stop the fighting. He stated that the only way for the fighting to stop was to create an even bigger commotion. A bigger fight. He told the young man that this fight must be won. The cost of losing this fight was greater than everyone’s life on Earth combined, and that there was a reward: Everyone would live again. “Go seek the others,” he said. “Others will assist you on your way to the future.”

    There were others told the same exact thing, by the same exact human.

    No one knew for sure what he meant, but one thing was certain. They were chosen for something bigger than they were ready for. That didn’t stop them though. They wanted to help. And they couldn’t let anyone get in their way.

    However, there was an opposing force, well… Everyone really. There was the half of the world that hated the idea of destroying the fight with a bigger one. They only wanted peace, but they don’t realize that their pacifist ways only make matters worse.

    Then there was the other half of the world, that wanted to keep fighting. Keep fighting to win, and gain power and pride for their countries.

    Then, there was one last group. The ones who started it all. They started the fighting. They started the destruction. They started everything.

    1 Keep it PG-13 please.
    2 No spamming.
    3 No cybering, autohitting, etc.
    4 You may say that your characters had sexual intercourse, but no description of what happened then. Okay? If you REALLY want to, you can take it to PM’s.
    5 In profiles, you must fill out every section. If not, I will send you to fill it out.
    6 You may have more than one character, however, please do not make more than you can handle.
    7 Type your posts in size 2 font like the one I'm using right now.
    8 Please don't be a one liner person. It bores everyone on an RP.
    9 Don't use * for actions.
    10 For thoughts, put it in italics. For dialogue use " please.
    11 If people stop posting as their character, I will find someone to replace you(not without PMing you for permission though).
    12 No quoting.
    13 Please indicate that you are going out of character when you go out of character.
    14 So that I know you read the rules, please post the words "blue dino" With your character description.
    15 Grammar and punctuation are great little things. USE THEM!

    OC FORM:
    [Your Forum ID]
    Where you are from:
    Age: (over 16 please!)
    Appearance: REAL LIFE PLEASE! Not anime. You may describe your character if you would prefer it.
    Other: (Anything we should know about your character. Food allergies? Evil? Good? Friendly? Mean? Etc. Etc. Etc. )

    OC FORM:
    Name: Hazel Jennette Mitchell
    Where you are from: San Dimas, California
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Background: Hazel comes from a family of six. She's the youngest, so she was always the last to get anything, and always got her brother's and sister's hand-me-downs. She always got her sister's old clothes, and all of her siblings' backpacks, books, and vehicles. She never got anything new of her own, so she always felt left out, and never felt special.

    When she was little and she got in trouble, her father would lock her inside of her room from the outside, and cut off the power to the room. He would leave her there for days at a time with no food before he finally let her out. She learned quickly not to talk to back him.

    Her mother finally divorced him for abusing her children when Hazel was thirteen, and she hadn't seen him since.

    One day, when she was nineteen years old, a man came to her and told her that the world didn't have to end, and that she could do something to stop it. She finally felt like she was a part of something, and she finally had the chance to prove herself as a person. If she could stop her family, and the ones she loved from dying, then she would give it a shot. She wasn't really sure what she was supposed to do though. The future man hadn't said much.

    Personality:Hazel is a bit of a jokester. She likes saying things that she knows might annoy people, just to see their reaction. She talks mean, and has a tendency to hurt people's feelings, but she never means to. The things she says can come across as pretty harsh.

    Hazel tries her hardest to please others, but she never feels as if she succeeds, and she's always disappointed in herself for one reason or another. She likes to rock out and have fun. Her favorite thing to do is play her guitar, and laugh. These days there wasn't much to laugh about, but it lit up her entire world when there was. She may come across mean, but she is very lighthearted, and enjoys being around people. Her greatest fear is being alone, and being in the dark.

    Other: Hazel is lactose intolerant, has piercings, and, despite her appearance, her favorite color is yellow. Hazel loves the sun, and is afraid to go down an empty hallway by herself due to severe claustrophobia.
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