Fiery Tears of Midnight Sorrow

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sessamaru, Jun 9, 2008.

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  1. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    (I hope you all enjoy this Rp, for writing this was relieving me of some blocking obstacle. Now, back to my novel that shall shed a new light for my future, regardless of acceptance or rejection, for writing it is my passion and love, not for my desperate naivety! Pwn on and on, until you achieve greatness!)

    Play and play the residents of Summergold did, dancing and playing music amongst themselves. The musical melodies of their flutes and ocarinas flitted through the air, arias and symphonies. The High Elves, full at play, continued their Festival Of Goldennight, where the sky was gold while the blood red moon, Sanguine, shined its divine light upon the gold skinned beings of Eravis. The marble city of Summergold, perfect in every way for the merry elves of old, worshipped the golden heavens, its silver stars, and Sanguine this night, for it only happened once every aeon, when new gods arose as the old die. This was Natural Balance. The darkness, never frightening, became ominous through the wood and forest. None travelled there. Never will they, for the fearsome drow own the perpectual darkness. All was fear. But this night, the heavens brought joy and courage, wisdom and charisma to fight the fear. But still, with Great Wisdom, none dared to cross the drow. The new gods, realigning the stars with grace and precision, with great speed, brought out new constellations. This was a divine event.

    "Look! If we rest, our new god, patron or matron, will give us its name and promises!" Shouted a young, but wise high elf, his perpectual smile perfecting his golden face. The High Elves had silver hair, golden skin, black lips, always in a smile. This race knew not of anger, but plenty of sorrow, but joy has replaced that. The squinting silver eyes of the High Elves never left their face, like the smiles. The children stared at the heavens, seeing a cosmic event, even rarer. Fiery tears fell. "The new gods are weeping for their elders!" Cried the same High Elf child, his naivety and excitement common amongst the old race. Down fell the fiery tears, only to crash into the homes of many. Summergold, Kalanton, and Dhar'khome were assaulted by these tears, only to find darkness and somberness. The High Elves exiled themselves, running from the terrors, the calamaties from the Tears. They ran, taking refuge... As did the Drow... And the great province of Dhar'khome.

    The New Parthenon
    Standing in the heart of Prelude, the huge marble columned shrine of the Deities of Quaar'ish, the New Gods spoke their godly politics, speaking of what to do. In order, with the Septus, were:

    Requi'uss, the God of Beginning, Dawn, and Law
    Symphonius, God of Sorrow, Redemption, and Atonement
    Lunesti, Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, and Love-making
    Arret, Goddess of War, Earth, and Honour
    Aegis, God of Protection, Strength, and Craft
    Vennas, Goddess of Harvest, Child Birth, and Beauty
    Chronos, God of Time, Light, and Athletics.

    Along with the darker, most imminent, were:

    Ragnos, God of Twilight, Ending, and Chaos
    Nocturna, Goddess of Pain, Regret, and Nothingness (Dusk, basically)
    Masque, God of Deception, Hate, and Lies
    Lleh (Lay), Goddess of Death, Corrosion, and Deceit
    Eci, Goddess of Stealth, Bloodletting, and Power
    Nevar, God of Death, The Underworld, and Famine
    Chaos, God of the Void, Insanity, and Undead

    They were the Deities of the Hourglass. They spoke amongst themselves, about the plans for the plan of Quaar'ish. Smiling wickedly, the Hourglass spoke their plans. This upset the Septus, thus, they banished the Hourglass to Baan, the world of the Dark Aeon. The Septus, themselves, banished themselves to Lumei, the world of the Light Aeon. They rested there, still hearing the prayers of many as their names were spoken to their chosen races, and if not races, then alignments, and if not alignments, then their chosen people... The cycle was perpectual.

    After the Fiery Tears, many mourned. They recieved their new gods when their mourning left them in deep meditative slumber. As they did, a chosen few were given a mission, if they accepted a new god, or if they don't have a god... The chosen were given tasks... Within the next Fiery Tears, the gods within Baan, the Hourglass, will fall from the heavens... When the sky becomes an electric purple and when the red moon is caught between blue and silver. Thus, has Nightmarus been brought to the new world. Sanguine awaits its evolutionary rebirth... During the turn of events, a New Threat arises, along with many demonic friends and the like... Quarrak Desp'Ana. (Be warned, the story may change somewhat, but this, I hope will be a long lasting story, or unless I decide to make a sequel... Depends if I'm lazy or not :P)

    Alright, with that out of the way (rushed or not, it hardly matters), we now have the rules, very basic:
    No Godmodding
    Cussing allowed but don’t go overboard (I won't hold censors over anyone's head, but please, keep the major cursing to a minimum. "Damn" and "Ass" are not highly bad, so please don't abuse the words)
    Romance encouraged but no cybering or anything like that.
    Keep it PG-13
    Minimum gore, blood varies
    No Powerplay
    Don’t kill without permission, please. PM first.
    Keep to the story, and DO NOT make it seem you're more powerful than everyone else, for everyone is equal. I don't care if you say your character IS stronger, because, if he/she is (in your mind), you're gone from the RP. (Sorry for the extremity, but this issue has been bugging me and I prefer fair play)
    Ask if you want to make/add a new character (even though I'll mostly say yes, but I still want to keep in the loop)

    There was something else I wanted to add, but I forgot. So, if I remember and add it to the rules, you guys will get the memo first before I post the Forgotten rule x.x

    Character Sheet Format
    (* = Optional)
    Patrom/Matron God: (If no god, explain, please)
    Enchanted Items*:
    Race: (could be any race)
    Appearance: (A pic or a full paragraph that is well detailed)
    History: (A brief, but interesting summary)
    Alignment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good; Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral; Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil)
    Played By:

    Name: Vallyn Desp'Ana
    Patrom/Matron God: None (Vallyn is a forsaker, a survivalist. He is not dependent upon gods, and neither is he weak to submit. He does well to succeed and keep his own principals in check.)
    Weapons: Two scimitars, named after his beloved, Zilvinidia, and his adoptive father, Mournagh. He carries two daggers in case disarmed. Bow of Lightning, Shadow Arrows (Uber combination for killing non-shades! XD)
    - Mournagh: The blade is flaming hot like volcanic obsidian, its silver-jet hue releases a devasting heat of that of a Red Dragon's flame.
    - Zilvinidia: The blade, perfectly curved and truly beautiful, a perfect weapon many die to have. The blade releases a chill that could kill even the greatest white wyrm in all the realms. The blade is graceful but not merciful to its prey.
    Enchanted Items: Bracers and Anklets of Lightning. Emerald of Plane Walk. Aegis (Armour made of mithril. It resists 65% damage).
    Race: Drow (partially Shade)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: After rising to the surface, Vallyn the Dark Elf searches for a place in the world for himself. Naturally, he is Lawful Evil, having intentions of his own benefit, while regarding everything and everyone respectfully. He does not care if someone or something dies, but does if they were never given a chance to actually live or is attacked by a large group. Not really a good character, Vallyn, himself, would kill anyone who makes him seem inferior or almightily good. He wears enchanted anklets and bracelets, enchanted leather armour, and wields two enchanted swords, a bow, and multiple arrows. His piwafwi, enchanted as the Drow custom, hides him in perpectual darkness. His infravision gives him an upperhand in darkness.
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Other: Drow Innate - Levitation, Inpenetrable Globe of Darkness, Faerie Fire (Harmless Purple Flames that is used to outline opponent who tries to run away in the darkness of night or tries to turn invisible). Swordplay, Some Magical Ability, and Stealth.
    Shade innate - Shadow abilities, most preferred is "Shadowstep"
    Played By: Sessamaru

    Name: Quaarak Desp'Ana
    Patrom/Matron God: None (Forsaking his old religion, the battle hardened mage prepares himself for godship)
    Weapons: Quarterstaff of Omnis (The Staff of Everything), Dual-Sword of Despair (The double-bladed sword that can stop even the most graceful creature with its aura, making it sluggish and languid, full of despair), Nightmare and Shadow (Two rapiers whose gracefullness are hypnotic, while releasing terrible images and releases bolts of shadow... one way ticket to the shadow plane for non-shades), and has numerous numbers of wands hidden under his piwafwi!
    Enchanted Items*: Robes of Flamingice, Cowl of Mindkeeping, Piwafwi of Immunity (Resists the power/prayers of light, along with some magical resistance to Fire and Frost damage), and Amulet of Aegis (Protects the wearer from magic).
    Race: Drow
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: After assisting the attack on House De'rae, Vallyn's former house as a newborn infant, he helped inquire that a shade-born drow would be an excellent soldier to slaughter the other Houses. But, as Vallyn grew too strong, the mage noted his err. Protecting himself, he found a solution. Pull the strings on the deadly shade-drow babe, and ultimately fell the House of Desp'Ana, leaving only one true patriarch to roam about freely. Sacrilegious, the blasphemous mage succeeded, scrying the scene where Vallyn tore out his adoptive mother's heart to serve to their Now dead goddess. Satisfied, the manipulative Desp'Ana left for the surface, creating a Flying Castle. It has yet to have a name, but his power is vast and nearly impossible... Nearly... Purposely? No one knows, but, if he awaits his dangerous adoptive brother, then surely he will end the puppet's role before a new light dawns upon the darkness that is drow.
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Other: Is the most power Dark Elf in the school of magic. (Thus the reason he's an antagonist XD. But, he's also vulnerable during spell casting, as long as you're close enough to perform melee, or else the Amulet of Aegis will dispell any spell casted. Vallyn does not even know of this!);
    Played By: (Whoever wants a premade character XD)
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