Okay, I don't know if this has already been posted, but I just got FFVII: DoC and it is freaking AWESOME so far!!! Seriously, I love it. Yeeahh...but did anyone else find the kid in the beginning that you had to protect a little annoying? I had to restart about five times...it sucked...but everything else rocks.
I don't want to give spoilers,but i think you need to do that more than once in this game. But Yeah,that game is really cool. Later in the game it's even better,since you have lot's of guns and there's some amazing fights. And That option for Quick save is one of the best things a game can have.
it IS great, its' however notoriously short. it's like that game "The Bouncer", it's awesome but you can beat it in 2 days or less. it's more of a movie but still nonetheless pretty good.
If it belongs somewhere else then the staff will deal with it I loved the game and thought Vincent was way cool (Especially Choas) But the game was too short and easy. I like died once or twice through out the whole thing
this is a really great game, ive always been a fan of mr. valentine. problems-game is already easy but its almost sad how easy it is after you level up your guns. its much too short. the whole control system gets annoying after a while.
FFVII Dirge of Cerberus Ok so I just got FFVII Dirge of Cerberus and it's a great game. But does anyone have some suggestions or tips for it? Thanks.
Isn't this a repeat topic? Plus, wrong section...just by a little bit... I've never played the game but...the only reason why I want to is because(no not Vincent! He's lame compared to the awesome characters...) Genesis comes out in the game.
There are several threads for DoC, but they ask several different questions, not on tips though. If you want detailed guides or tips look on gamefaq. Evilman has the right idea. What does anyone do with a powerful gun? SHOOT 'EM IN THE HEAD! I rarely used magic. I found guns or any other form of weaponry to be the best killer. Well, the limits too.
I beat the game in just one try. It was easy and I only used the beast form once before I had to fight Azul. -_-;; I hated him.
I used those forms to speed thin's up. N' i didn't think there were any difficult bosses. The game was too easy.
Oh ya this game was AWESOME!!! Even though so many people don't think so. I thought it was so sad when you find out about Vincents past. He really loved Lucrecia. I was sooo sad that they couldn't be together. Oh and Vincent looked sooo cool in his Turk uniform and his absolutly AWESOME hair cut.:inlove:
My cousin said that the camera isn't that good for this game, but it still looks like it has good gameplay.
awesome game except it thot it was annoying everytime you see Shelke and she says "Vincent Valentine" in a slow creepy voice, lol