I feel like a loser for asking this Well, In disc 3 when you get captured by Kuja and forced to go to that temple and fight that airship, how do you win and what should I use, Im on my 40's in lvls. So yeah, I need major help after it..Because I know you have to escape Kuja's strong-hold with the team you left >.<
If you've done it cleverly you should be left with Vivi, Dagger, Eiko and Quina. Collect the items on alters throughout the castle and you should be able to beat the boss at the end easily. Also at the point where you have to line up shadows with candles to get up stairs have both shadows point inwards. I think thats right.
Fudge, someone told me to take vivi and dagger, I mean they are great item users, And i dont know WHY I took FREYA, SHE SUCKS SO HARD. But I left...Ekio, Stiner, Adment, and Quina
Well you should still be able to beat the boss in the castle, but at Oldevert your gonna struggle against the boss there unless your ridiculously high levels.