I noticed something... Lucrecia looks like a small crossing between Aerith and Yuna... What do you think?
Lucrecia somewhat has the Aerith hair going on but I don't think it means anything. I don't like Lucrecia anyway =(
I can see that. Anyway, I think, Lucrecia isn't really much of an Aerith vibe to me really, nor a Yuna one at all for that matter. Although, it can be possible Tetsuya wanted her to be something of the two, just not in the same way.
Could be, yep. But when I first saw Lecrucia in those ice crystals thingies I thought I saw Yuna, but when I saw her completely, I had to think of Aerith!
I dont think there are any similarities at all... Lots of Final Fantasy characters look like others... If you have played the game "Bouncer" on ps2 you will see that two of the characters look like Sora and Leon. That wasnt intended... Maybe they all just ran out of ideas for new looks.... Or maybe they didnt notice when the idea was handed to them...