If you get it for xbox, how much does it cost to play? Is it just the xbox live fee or is it xbox live fee + another stupid fee? :'D
To play FFXI on XBL, you actually don't need a gold account. FFXI uses the PlayOnline interface to go online, and that service has its own independent monthly fee (you should check their website for the price, as it's been years since I've played and it might've changed, but it should probably still be around the $12/month range). But if you want to play all your other games online, then you'll have to pay for your Gold subscription anyway. So if you want to play FFXI on 360 AS WELL as your own 360 games, then yes, you have to play your XBL fee and the monthly PlayOnline fee. However, be aware that these two fees are paying for separate services, meaning even if your Gold subscription runs out, you can still play XI on a silver as long as you continue paying the monthly PlayOnline fee. This makes sense because this expense would be no different than if you paid for your XBL subscription, then paid your monthly fees for XI for your PC or PS2/PS3 separately. I'm sure Microsoft and Square-Enix knew this to be the case since everyone would flock to the 360 version if they knew playing the game on 360 would mean practically no monthly fees for FFXI.