FF-Kingdom hearts tournament

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Tpk123898, Apr 5, 2007.

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  1. Tpk123898 Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 4, 2007
    Final Fantasy characters and kingdom hearts characters battle it out in a tournament!!!! once you pick your characters name ther moves and how much damge it will be and dont forget to put how much mp itll cost!!! when you attack make sure you post how much heath your oponnet has left!

    you can olny have 5 moves!
    Pick you characters!

    Tifa= Tpk123898 Cloud= Sora= Riku=

    Hp=700 hp=900 hp=878 hp=890
    Mp=67 mp=345 mp=434 mp=677
    Str=186 str=356 str=667 str=978
    def=989 def=977 def=244 def=334

    Mickey= Yuna= Riikku= Paine=

    Hp=1,987 Hp=785 Hp=743 hp=1,234
    Mp=678 mp=89 mp=456 mp=44
    str=999 str=54 str=68 str=96
    def-239 def=76 def=89 def=102

    Leon= Yuffie=

    Hp=746 hp=588
    mp=903 mp=864
    str=1,867 str=223
    def=789 def=788

    Matches= Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

    Rikku vs Leon Mickey Vs Cloud Yuna vs Tifa

    Round 4 Round 5

    Paine Vs Riku Sora Vs Yuffie

    Now before all his starts Everyone needs to have a player first

    When the primileneries are over well move on to the semi finals! :)

    Crap!! How did everything get stuck together!!!! Oh man this just messed it up well I dont know if anybody can read it like that!
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