Haven't used PS in a while...these are sort of WIP. I dunno. xD Also been experimenting with different coloring/shading methods, so...yeah. Cnc. Do not rate. I know, they're all InuYasha-related at the moment, but that's because it's the only high-quality manga scan I have. xD;; Anyone's welcome to use one, just ask. Images are from chapters 544 - 558.
INUYASHA! XD Loved that show. Now that it ended, I had to look for more anime. THis was my first anime I ever read. Nice avi's! ^^ I like them.
BUMP TO THE HEAVENS These are very very nice in my opinion Wolfie =D I like the first one . . .a loooot and the last one is great (the coloring I mean). Keep up the good work :'3
If you haven't finished reading the manga, I highly suggest you do; it has a great ending. :3 And thank you. ^^ Lolbiteme. INUKAG. Babies ftw. xDD And suuuure you mean the coloring. :3 Thanks, Toots. :'D Thank you. :3 And awesome, that image is from my favorite page in the manga, so you get brownie points. 8D
i remember the 2nd and Last one they were from the last chapter and the last one makes me lol because i remeber thats when he gave Kagome an evil eye xD ∞/10 on all of them if you dont want a rank then great job xD
These are all wonderful. I especially like the 3rd one and of course the one with Sesshy. The well one could use a little lightening up, but its still great. I think I'll be asking you to use these in the future~
I liked the first one, the most, i'm quite the lovey dovey type The shades are nice and soft, which is something i like. I don't believe that harder shades would of worked. They turned out well.