*snif* I'm in it! I'm in it! *cries happilly* xDD I've seen this pic on DA and I loved it a lot!! Thank you for putting my nobody there! :D Oh! And the others!! I LOOOOOOOOVE THEM!!! :)
General forms are waaaaay off. I'm not going to really try to describe anatomy problems, since they're generally flawed in all respects. Start with simpler forms first. Practice drawing still life and real objects. Cups, flowers, and then progressively more complicated things like large sceneries and animals. Humans are last. If you can't draw a realistic flower than you likely won't be able to even attempt at the human anatomy. Far too many people jump the steps. It may be boring and tiresome, but if you want to improve then you'll find it useful. I'd like to see more of your drawings, but preferable something with more of a basis in practice.