To be more specific, which directors put out your favorite films? In no particular order: Alfred Hitchcock (North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds) Billy Wilder (Some Like it Hot, The Apartment) Mel Brooks (Blazing Saddles, The Producers) Frank Tashlin (Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter, The Girl Can't Help It) Joe Dante (Gremlins 1&2, The Howling, Explorers)
Edgar Wright, George Lucas, Christopher Nolan and Frank Darabont for me. Edgar Wright in particular (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim) is probably the best director in the business right now. His whole style is bringing out incredibly unique films that the industry desperately needs. One of the best writers out there too, Hot Fuzz is one of the best written films I have ever seen, every single line of dialogue has a significance to the overall narrative. Looking forward to more stuff from him.
The Coen brothers. Their movies can be hit and miss, but they are always filmed interestingly. I also like Terry Gilliam a lot, especially his movies Brazil and The Fisher King.
I'm rather fond of a guy called Tetsuya Nomura. That Kojima guy also does pretty good stuff. I like how they make their movies semi-interactive every once and a while. It adds a sense of immersion that one normally doesn't get when watching a movie. I think they're onto something there.
Steven Spielberg. He directed one of my all time favorite movies.[video=youtube;o6fka74ZnpU][/video]
Terry Gilliam (Monty Python movies, Brazil, and the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus) and one of my favourite filmmakers in general (seeing as he does just as much producing and writing as he does directing) is Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, The Orphanage).
This. Except I haven't actually fully watched Titanic from start to finish completely. Well, I enjoy Titanic but the reason James Cameron is my favourite is because, well first of all he's the only director that has ever stood out to me and second, he directed Avatar. I was blown away by that film, a real masterpiece. Not only that he directed Terminator 2, Aliens, I think Spiderman as well. All those films I enjoy, especially Avatar and Terminator (a childhood favourite of mine, despite the fact I was too young xD)
I am more of a Alfred Hitchcock person. Then again, I am also a fan for John Singleton, and James Cameron.
Spiderman was directed by Sam Raimi (Also well known for the Evil Dead movies), not James Cameron. I think Cameron may have worked on some form of Spiderman media, either the animated show or a TV serial or something, but I'm not terribly savvy on that. I don't keep up with him much, James Cameron is probably mythe worst director in my books, ever since he created Avatar. That's when he went from bland to outright horrible.