"How the Grinch Stole Christmas", "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", and "Jack Frost" (Rankin-Bass version, even if it's more of a Groundhog's Day thing) And Nightmare Before Christmas, too. (Although I think it's an all year round movie)
lol, I was going to make a thread like this. x3 Anyways, my favourites are: Home Alone 1 & 2 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Dr. Seuss(sp?) version) Jingle All the Way Edward Scissorhands (I'm pretty sure this counts as a christmas film x}) The Nightmare Before Christmas Muppets Christmas Carol xD; Robbie the Reindeer Flint Street Nativity ('twas a christmas comedy special that was on Tv one year.. I still think it's awesome) I know there's more, I just can't think of them. X:
If there's a good advent calendar show one year I'll watch it. :3 (last year I saw Jul i Valhall after reading a review, not too shabby actually) ~We have those in Scandinavia, a calendar counting down to Christmas eve with treats inside. Though I loved the first Home Alone movies. DINNER FOR ONE IS A CLASIC ( in Norway you get to see it on Boxing Day instead of New Year's Eve.. :3 ) AND THIS I ALWAYS WATCH DURING THE MORNING (24th)
My favorite Christmas movie or show, eh? Hmmmmmm...Let's see...... - The Nightmare Before Christmas - Just Friends (I think that counts) - Garfield Christmas Specials - Grandma Got Run-Over By A Reindeer And that's all I can think of, at any rate.
DEFINITLY HOME ALONE 3. so good. and home alone 1 and 2. the other christmas movies..in my opinion suck. except the Grinch stole Christmas {the cartoon not the real version)
The Santa Clause, but I only like the first one. In addition I also LOVE watching the Home Alone movies and How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
The Nightmare Before Christmas!!! Although I also think it's an easter movie and valentine's day and thanks giving and.... *lists other random holidays*
Ginger Nutt's Christmas Circus ranks as my favorite, as its the only Christmas special ever made in history that does'nt have a sugar-sweet ending. :D