Fast Food Madness: The Epic Return V2

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Forever Love, Jun 17, 2010.

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  1. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Fast Food Madness: The Epic Return V2

    After our first three threads, yes, we made another and continued from where we left off a while ago. And now we're creating the FIFTH. The Epic Return symbolizes our comeback, and this is the second version. We're crazy-obsessive over this thing. Don't judge. (:

    Now, we (my friend PEANUT and I) have one important thing to note, and we do not wish to offend anyone. We'd prefer that this be a two person RP. Just us two, because we’ve already worked out the plot and in order for anyone new to understand it, they would have to read the other...well, four threads. Considering that V3 of FFM is deleted, getting much of the story from that is pretty impossible.

    All that we ask is that you ignore this thread. However, if you get bored and want to read it, that’s fine—whatever. Just please refrain from posting. ;D

    You see, in the beginning we were focusing on fast food, hence the original title, Fast Food Madness. If you were back in the original thread, you know the story: Organization XIII gave up on the evil acts and took jobs in the local Burger King. Sora and co. somehow inherited a McDonald's and work there as well. And by the McDonald's is a Wendy's, where Sora's friends from various worlds are employed. Between the 3 restaurants, there is a rivalry because McDonald's is growing and bringing in more customers faster than BK or Wendy's. All of the action takes place in the Big Apple, New York City.

    But we don't even go by that anymore, so there's pretty much no fast food involved. And since we're pretty sure nobody here is going to try and hop in on this thread (for your sake, I hope you don’t—you’d be HOPELESSLY confused) I won't take the time to describe all the crazy-awesome stuff that took place in the past.

    Now, to recap characters:
    Roxas, Kairi, Riku, Yuffie - Forever Love
    Sora, Namine, Leon - PEANUT

    And the rules, just because. xD

    -No Yao/Yuri
    -Keep your posts to PG-13
    -Don't control other people’s characters. Only control your character(s) and your own customers.
    -Try to keep cursing to a minimum. If you must, try to use **** or !@#$
    -You can have 1 Character in each group (No longer applicable).
    -Use proper grammar. We support good grammar in this thread. no txt tlk, kk??
    -Post as often as you can, because it can get carried away (trust me). Inform us if you're leaving for a little while and that your character(s) will be inactive!
    -Color code your characters. Use different colors for different characters.
    -Subscribe to the thread so you know when somebody posts. Let's keep this thread alive!
    -Post "Fast Food Madness" if you read the rules. VERY IMPORTANT if you want to join.

    Okie dokie. Let's pick up where we left off, PEANUT. =)
  2. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    OOC: You forgot to say all the new characters we controlled last thread. xP Like Leon, and Yuffie, and Riku.

    But yay for thread #5! xP

    Namine shut the door behind her before she looked down at Ty, kneeling down to unhook the leash off his collar. "Go to the living room, boy," she whispered in his ear, giving a quick ear-rub. It was the ear that Jeff had cut the tip off of, but Ty showed now sign of pain as he walked through the entrance hall and into the living room.
  3. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    OOC: Fixed. xD

    Roxas's eyes brightened at the sight of the familiar golden retriever, sitting forward in his seat. A smile instantly came across his face, the boy recalling just how long it had been since he saw the dog; he had gotten much bigger. "Ty! Come here, pal," he called with a quick whistle.
  4. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine smiled to herself, hearing Roxas calling Ty from the living room. She hung up her coat and slid off her shoes at a relaxed pace, knowing that Ty wasn't going to be leaving any time soon. Then she put his leash on a hook by the door and headed over to the living room, just in time to see Ty get over to Roxas' position.
  5. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas brought his hands down on the dog's head, beginning to rub behind his ears. "What's up, buddy?" he cooed, smiling at Namine's loyal companion. "You've gotten big." He could feel Ty's panting breath against his arms, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows.
  6. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine stopped in the doorway and leaned against it, a small smile on her lips as she heard Roxas' interaction with Ty. He had gone longer without seeing him, so she'd allow the boys a few minutes together before she went over. Besides, she had already experienced a small reunion with Ty at the clinic, during which she had cried.
  7. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas smiled down at Ty, seeing that a tip of the dog's ear was chipped off. His smile softened at the sight, the boy looking down at the dog's brown eyes. "Thank you for taking care of Namine while I was gone," he said, continuing to rub the dog behind the ears. "You're a good boy." Roxas scratched Ty's head before looking up, his eyes falling on Namine at the doorway.
  8. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine's smile turned a bit sad at Roxas' words, the girl knowing what he was referring to. Without thought, she pushed herself off the doorway and walked over, kneeling down by the couch by Ty and Roxas. "Yes he is," she said softly, lifting a hand and setting it on Ty's back.
  9. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas smiled softly, his eyes falling back on the dog in front of him. He continued to scratch the dog behind the ears, able to tell that Ty was happy with the attention he was getting; Roxas could see his tail wagging from where he sat.
  10. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine felt a tear slide down her cheek, though she wasn't sure if it was from sadness or happiness. Perhaps it was a mixture. Either way, the tear didn't stay there long. Only a second after it left her eye, Ty turned his head and licked the tear away. "Ugh, Ty!" she whined, bringing her wrapped right hand up to wipe at the wetness.
  11. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas chuckled. Same ol' Ty, always licking people's faces. He remembered when he had been woken up by that, when he slept with Namine in her backyard. His hands had fallen from Ty's head when he licked Namine, so the boy had his hands clasped in front of him, elbows resting on his knees as he watched the pet and his owner.
  12. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    When Ty moved in closer to keep sniffing her face, Namine had no choice but to bring up her left hand and gently turn his nose away. "Some things never change," she muttered, though a smile stayed on her face when she said the words. "What a goofball."
  13. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas smiled weakly at Namine's words. "Some things never change." Yeah, some things, but for Roxas, a lot had since he left. Things between him and Namine were weird at first, but they were starting to get better. However, he felt that would change too. With the way he was lately, especially alone, she would probably catch onto something. That would most likely affect their relationship. But he also had inner struggles to settle, which probably wouldn't ever happen since he couldn't go back and get the answers.
  14. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine smiled softly, running her right hand over Ty's back. He looked down at it, apparently noticing the wrappings for the first time. He lowered his nose and sniffed at it, pushing his nose too roughly against the area that was cut. Namine immediately withdrew that hand and brought up her other one, rubbing Ty's ear to keep him from going for that hand again.
  15. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas kept his hands clasped, trying to force his inner thoughts away as he spoke. "He looks like he feels better," he mentioned softly, blue eyes on the retriever sitting in front of him. Ty didn't look very fazed by his injuries, except that he seemed calmer.
  16. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine kept her eyes on the dog, her eyes soft when she was reminded of his injuries. Of course, she had never really forgotten about them, either. "He's still tired, though," she said, seeing the look in her pet's eyes. He apparently had his last surgery on his leg a few days ago, and the veterinarian had warned her he would be tired for at least a week following his homecoming.
  17. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas hummed a response, though he didn't have much to say to that. Now that he looked at the dog, he agreed. Ty did appear pretty tired, no doubt the walk back had something to do with that.
  18. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine already had one hand on Ty's back at thsi point, so what she did next came about naturally. She wrapped her other arm around his back lightly and let her cheek rest lightly on Ty's head, the dog in an embrace of sorts. I missed you so much, she thought, tears appearing in her soft blue eyes.
  19. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas blinked in surprise, having noticed the wetness in Namine's sky-blue orbs. He felt his own eyes soften at the sight, but he didn't do anything. He didn't feel like there was anything he could do.
  20. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine felt Ty shift in her grasp, which made her pull her head away for a moment. But when he was still again, she realized she was closer to his back. She didn't think about it as she buried her head in his fur, eyes closing. "I'm so sorry," she murmured into his fur. He had gotten hurt because of her. She would never forgive herself for that.
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