Fast Food Industry

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by EvilMan_89, Sep 10, 2008.


Who is more at fault for the huge number of overweight people?

  1. Fast Food Industry (for loading so much fat into their food)

    5 vote(s)
  2. The People themselves (for eating the food excessively and being lazy)

    45 vote(s)
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  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i recall a few years ago quite a few people tried to sue Mc Donalds for making them obese. and there was a huge discussion about it. the guy claimed that Mc Donalds was responsible for his overweight condition while Mc Donalds said that it was his own fault for eating that much of their food because it's common knowledge that fast food is full of fat and stuff that's bad for you. so my question is: who do you think is more responsible for the increasingly number of overweight Americans? the fast food industry? or the people themselves for not taking care of their bodies correctly?

    i know that the fast food in Mc Donalds is overly cooked in fat, i did some research and saw that a big mac from Mc Donalds is 500 calories, and so are the fries from there. but Burger King is worse, their Whoppers are 800 calories and that includes ONE patty as opposed to Mc Donalds big macs which have TWO. also, this video shows that there are WAAY too many preservatives on Mc Donald's french fries.

    but despite all that, it is STILL possible to remain in good health and eat fast food once in a while. is it more the people's fault for not excercising? because many people now live a very sedatary live with very limited excercise and going out. there are even some people who REFUSE to even get up to change the channel. some people are just so lazy that it is their own fault from eating Mc Donalds so much and not burning the calories.

    so which side do you choose?

    also, can we try to have a POLITE debate with each other? i realize debates in nature can be pretty aggressive but i dislike aggressive discussion, and these aggressive discussions usually happen when someone decides to be a smarta$$ about it when they are correcting another person.
  2. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    The industries shoulduse less fat,and people should know what they're eating and they also need to be less sedentary.
    So,Both are wrong IMO.
  3. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You can't just blame MacDonalds and the fast food industry for obesity.
    Personally i'm a little over weight(not obese) and i blame myself and not fast food industry.The people who run these businesses are just doing there jobs and are trying to make a living.Mac Donalds and most other well known fast food resterant have one side dedicated to showing you whats going into your body.It the person not the Fast food industry.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It is always the persons fault, because there is always a choice. The companies decide what they want to put in the food and before there was no legal requirement to tell us what exactly was in it and how much. So why would they? Now they do and people can see how much there is (they knew before, just ignored the warnings).

    Basically, if you are obese it is most likely to be your fault. You caused it and you have to sort it, don't blame the people doing their job and making a living.

    (I do of course know of the people who have genuine medical conditions which cause them to gain weight, and they are not the people I am referring to.)
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    wow, not one person voted on the Fast Food Industry, lol. i can certainly see both sides of the argument because both can be right. i mean a milkshake from one of the fast food places (i forget which, it might've been a McFlurry) had 1000 calories per serving. that is just way too much on one drink and serving. but the customers are to blame too because they most likely KNOW what they are eating yet they continue to eat it and blame others for their short comings.
  6. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    I think it's a combonation of the two. People have a choice, but fast food should not be a choice.
  7. on mirrors edge Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 18, 2008
    definately the people.....were told what the burger is made of, how good it is for you, how much fat is in it, etc. etc. if u still want to eat it, its you deision, nobody is shoving it down your throat....if you cant hold off temptation for a burger its your own fault. the industry has no hand in it.....
  8. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually, quite a few fast food restuarants don't even have ANY information avialable on nutrtional information which is a reason many people also blame the restaurants.
  9. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    In my country now they at least put up the calories. But even so, the people should have known that fast food makes you fat. It's all in the desicions
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Most fast food businesses do have calorie lists, especially the big business chains. I've asked and received them from Hardees, McDonalds, Burger King, Quiznos, Subway, Red Robin, Wendys and quite a few other places just to do my own comparisons for amusement. Restaurants that aren't fast food places often don't have calorie menus because portions change and the menus are much larger. Maybe though this is in the areas I have been in but I've been able to ask now for 5 years and have been to NY, Arizona, North Carolina, California and a couple other places. I will say though usually you have to -ask- for them because only Subway tends to have it out to see.

    The thing is though, EVERYONE knows that fast food is high on grease and carbs. Everyone. We also know that candy has a ton of sugar and fat etc. We all -know- this. The food is food. Some families cook just as fatty food at home. Do we know it's fatty and not that great for you in large quantities? Yes.

    So, who's fault is it that people go there and eat? Who's fault is it that some people won't get up to find a remote? Won't go for a walk around the block? Will take the elevator all the time instead of stairs? Won't do exercise? Fast food places in the majority have changed quite a bit to offer also more healthy options on their menus too. So if someone every day eats 2 triple cheeseburgers at Wendys, mows down on 2 Whoppers and large fries etc ... whose fault it is becomes oddly very clear to me.

    I eat at fast food places maybe once or twice a week. Yes, I get a good fat burger now and then. I also go exercise and take care of myself. Some obese people can't help it that they are so because of their metabolisms and some of them don't even eat fast food. They have medical issues that need addressed to get their metabolisms under control such as a faulty thyroid or some have heart problems etc. These people aren't really at fault for what is happening to them and I'm sure a lot of them wish they could lose weight just by switching to a diet.

    Those who are eating all that junk though and don't do physical exercise to support the -need- for the extra calories are just asking for it. It's their own fault. If you want to eat high calorie foods you must do the activities to warrant the need for it. Otherwise it's best to switch the diet around or just at least cut back. People don't have to eliminate fast food from their diets for the most part, but they do have to learn to not make fast food the "staple" diet. The overweight people that tried to sue McDonalds are overweight because maybe they need help in another way which is called dealing with an addictive personality disorder. If these people weren't 'addicted' to fast food because it's available, they'd probably be addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling or something else because they could get their hands on those instead. They don't deserve money. They need mental help if this is the problem or they need to get their rears to the gym, if it's not.
  11. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    I voted for the people, but it's technically both. While the fast food industry should try to make their food more healthy and less filled with fat, calories, carbs, etc., it's the people's fault for eating it so much. But obesity is more of the fact, that even if they eat fast food less often, if they don't exercise, nothing's gonna happen.
  12. ultima_sora Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2007
    Up your bum ^^
    definately the ppl themselves because EVERYONE knows that fast food is not good for u and makes u fat so they shouldn't be eating so much all the time when they know they'll become unhealthy and fat =/
    also because they dont keep good care of their body by exercising and doing sum dpa or sumthing (daily physical activity) which makes it even worse because you're not burning off all the calories that u just consumed
  13. LoneWolf Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2008
    Google Earth
    I honestly think that it's the people's faultfor eating so much fast food and becoming fat. I eat fast food every so often, but I'm not that kind of person to eat it everyday or a few times a week. You can prevent from becoming fat by exercising, but I know some people who eat fast food a lot, and they are not fat at all. So I say that it is someone's fault for abusingthat fat infested food and not working off the calories later.
  14. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Repliku said pretty much everything I had wanted to say, plus or minus a few things, so I'm gonna thank him for saving me about 10 minutes worth of typing. :)

    What I'm surprised no one's mentioned yet is that, for the most part, those in poverty or tough living conditions are the ones who eat fast food rather frequently, because it's so cheap and affordable to just pull up to a Wendy's or McD's and order dinner off the dollarmenu for whatever you can scrape together. For many of these families, they really can't afford to grocery shop for decent, healthful food every week or so, and maybe they make just enough money to make them ineligible for WIC or food stamps.

    In the case of the obese people who tried to sue, you have to remember that we live in a very lawsuit-happy society now. People will point fingers at everyone other than themselves, especially if they can get money out of it. It's their own choice, and they made the wrong one, but they won't admit to it.

    Now my personal story. I'm 15 pounds overweight for someone of my age and body size. I used to be double that, but I've worked extremely hard to get myself down this far, and I've eaten fast food maybe twice in my life. To be quite frank, I don't like any of it. Last time I ever stepped into a Burger King, I got a frozen Coke. My main reason for being so big before was family history. There's a risk of diabetes from my mother's side, heart disease from my father. Both of them are average sized for their age and size. I hope to lose those last 15 by the end of October, at the very latest. I bet if more people made similar choices, obesity wouldn't be such an epidemic.
  15. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    I'd say the people themselves because they can't get off their buts to work it off.
  16. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    I would place the blame on the people themselves for their obesity. I would know cuz I am fat. Mostly due to medical and genetic predisposition. I'm currently awaiting Gastric Bypass surgery. But sometimes being fat is more than just eating and being lazy. Each case is varies from person to person and it is often very easy to place those people with a general label. For being obese I consider myself fairly active. I work out in a gym, walk almost everywhere I need to go, and eat in reasonable portions. I'm going for surgery because it will force me to eat smaller portions without having me feel hungry later. I'm not afraid to step up and do what's needed to get myself healthy.
  17. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    The fact that fast food chains even exist is because of their popularity, so no matter how you twist or turn it, the people themselves are to blame.
  18. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    It is bad how Fast Food provides so many people with fattening food, but it is not their fault that people are getting obese. The people themselves are responsible to make the right choices when it comes to their health.
  19. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    McDonald's Bacon Ranch Salad (without chicken) (200 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>130 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>8 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>25 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>280 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>10 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>70 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>4 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>7 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    McDonald's Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit (151 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>460 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>28 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>245 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1370 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>21 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>250 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>9 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>32 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    McDonald's Bacon, Egg & Cheese McGriddles (168 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>440 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>21 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>240 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1270 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>19 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>190 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>7 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>43 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>16 g
    McDonald's Bagel (plain) (94 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>260 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>520 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>9 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>10 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>54 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>2 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>7 g
    McDonald's Baked Apple Pie (77 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>260 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>13 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>200 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>120 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3.5 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>34 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle><1 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>13 g
    McDonald's Barbeque Sauce (28 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>45 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>250 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>10 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>zero g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>10 g
    McDonald's Big Breakfast (266 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>700 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>47 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>455 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1430 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>24 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>420 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>13 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>45 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    McDonald's Big Mac (219 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>600 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>33 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>85 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1050 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>25 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>300 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>11 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>50 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>4 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>8 g
    McDonald's Big N' Tasty (232 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>540 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>32 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>80 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>780 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>24 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>290 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>10 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>38 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>9 g
    Sugar</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>McDonald's Big N' Tasty with Cheese (247 g) <TABLE class=sresults cellPadding=2 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>590 Calories</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>36 g Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>95 mg.
    Cholesterol</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>1020 mg.
    Sodium</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>27 g
    Protein</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>330 Calories
    from Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>12 g
    Saturated Fat</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>39 g
    Carbohydrates</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>3 g
    Dietary Fiber</TD><TD class=sresults vAlign=center align=middle>9 g
  20. ~.Only.Twilight.~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 9, 2008
    I live in Scotland! ^^
    I think on the most part it is people fault if they get fat becuase they eat McDonalds and other fast food chains. If you eat a fast food meal you're not gonna get fat because you've ate one. It's if you eat too many fast food meals and not do enough exercise then you'll get fat. Of course I'm not including people with medical problems and such, I'm just talking about the people who could perfectly heathfy if they just cut down on the number of fast food meals and did more exercise.
    It isn't even that hard to prepare good home-cooked meals. It doesn't even need to take up tons of time either beacuse you could spend a couple of hours one day in the kitchen preparing meals and then bang it all in the freezer to eat another day.
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