Read this as Famine, haha. Which made me think of Ten in the Swear Jar, which made me think of San Jose Fight Song. And then I'm like "yesss". But I've always wanted to go to an anime convention but I don't think I'm a big enough anime fan. :'c Have fun, though! Are you dressing up?
Most likely not, they have very strict rules to Cosplaying, and I don't have the money to afford a badge and costume. But hopefully I'll get a pic or two with some Cosplayers! But I'm very nervous.
I have such respect for cosplayers, I was acquainted with a girl who was really amazing at it (if anyone saw the Fran cosplayer on Kotaku a few weeks ago, that was her) and I always wanted to get into it but I was never dedicated enough. :c Plus I'm poor, haha. I wouldn't be too nervous, from what I've heard from friends everyone at cons are really nice, provided they're not rabid fangirls. I've heard you should go with a group or least one other person, though.