So, I am currently writing a RWBY fanfic where Jaune has gynophobia. Can any one of you guys give me any tips on how to make my fanfic writing skills good?
If you put naked vampires in this fanfic I will destroy you. Unless you include Nazi vampires to balance it out.
This very much so! I've been very tempted as of late to do a Korra fanfic (BET Y'ALL CAN'T GUESS WHAT ABOUT), and I often find myself reading different fanfics to see how people portray the characters; what aspects do they focus on, what situations do they put them in, how do they use the established characterization in canon as a base and move on from it, etc. I wouldn't say emulate the writing style necessarily, but definitely see what kinds of things you like that people do and try to integrate that into your approach and put twists on it. Similarly, ask yourself what makes a good story for you! I've probably talked about it before, but I definitely prefer character driven things over plot driven usually, and my writing very much reflects that interest. I know it's very tough approaching a fanfic and trying to remain faithful to characters & the canon (if applicable), and trying to also hold up your own voice for it. It's okay if your first few tries aren't as successful as you might want, what matters most is trying and trying over and over, putting it out there and you'll see improvements for sure! Misty's suggestion of going to the Works & Rec section is great and you'll probably get some groovy help, especially from people who are pretty familiar with RWBY
Thanks guys. Like what I said, already uploaded the prologue in the site. I am currently uploading chapter 1 then I will start writing chapter 2. :3
While I have no knowledge of RWBY I will still glance at your fanfic. For myself I try to picture the scene I am writing in my head before I write so I can include some details to help my readers picture it as they read it. But everyone has already given you some great advice so all I can say now is good luck.
Nah. Although I plan on having a Jaune/Ren bromance, some readers thought that it is going to be a yaoi romance... D: Thank you. :D I posted it on this site and on