Falling Inside the Black

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Jan 29, 2009.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    lol at the title. XD
    Eh, I came up with this when I was bored. Random story that came to mind. >> I guess its kind of like Crisis Core. I don't know. I know its short, I wish I could have come up with more but it was late, so yeah.

    It is a law that once a child turns 18, they must join a special military unit; it didn’t matter what gender the person was, it was mandatory. There has been rumors saying that these people are injected with some sort of liquid that gives them powers. Once the chemical is injected, the powers they receive is unknown until they actually begin their duties. There are some that have only one power but there are others that have up to four. There have been some that have escaped from being recruited but there are others that joined because they felt they needed to, they couldn’t get away in time or just for some completely different reason. There is no specific name for this unit. It has been said that once someone is part of this military unit, there is no way of returning to your previous life.
    “You now exist to serve us. You can never go back, and see the people you left behind. Once you joined, it will be as if you never existed until now.â€
    There are some that approve of what this unit is doing but there are others that try to escape and prevent from other citizens to suffer the same way they did. Although, many in the past have been discovered of what they had planned and they were immediately killed. It is said that the truth behind this military unit must never get out.

    Okay, well, its basically just taking place in a high-tech city. So pretty much the weaponry, transportation, buildings(XD), and many other things are high-tech. Took me a while to come up a name for the city but Crimson helped me. Simple enough, the city is named Derkar.

    (I’m going to be very strict with these so don’t complain. And if I add any more rules, I‘ll tell you so you guys can know.)
    1. No godmodding/powerplaying! If you do any of these, I will give you only one warning. If you continue, I will kick you out of the RP. But if you continue to come back after I kicked you out, then I will get someone from staff to close this RP and that will just ruin everyone’s fun.
    2. Stay active! Don’t post a character and never come back. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you one.
    3. No controlling others’ characters.
    4. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language, etc. If you must curse, censor it. I could care less on damn, crap and any others words that aren’t that bad.
    5. No killing others characters without their permission.
    6. I’ll allow you to have up to 3 characters max.
    7. Actually describe what you’re doing. I don’t care if the post comes out long, just describe what your character(s) is doing.
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, then use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive with their appearance.
    9. Put ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’ somewhere in your first post, so I know you read the rules. If I don’t see this somewhere in that first post, I won’t except you until you do.

    ~OC Form~
    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.)
    Part of the unit: (Just put yes or no)

    Username: Violet
    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Part of the unit: Yes
    Personality: She is very outgoing and caring. She’s the type where she likes to mess with the men that are part of the unit.
    Bio: When she was a child, she thought that the unit was incredible and so she wanted to join. But when she turned 18 and found out everything, she regretted it all and wished she could escape. Although she still does her part, every now and then, she goes out in the city, in disguise, preventing people from becoming recruited.
    Appearance: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r77/vma_92/City.jpg
    Power(s): Gravity and wind.
    Weapon(s): A sword and revolver.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Violet
    Name: Rebecca Watson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Part of the unit: No
    Personality: Very kind and caring. She doesn’t enjoy violence. She is very shy at first when someone first meets her. She has always been a loving caring person.
    Bio: The day she turned 18, her twin brother and her attempted to hid themselves but they were caught. Her brother told her to run and he would stall the soldiers so she would get away. Instead she hid somewhere and witnessed her brother be killed. Her parents abandoned her and her brother, when they were 7. She now lives on her own and always thought the people that joined the unit were murderers. That they had no heart and didn’t care what would happen to many other citizens.
    Appearance: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r77/vma_92/1162778489_PicsHating.jpg
    Power(s): N/A
    Weapon(s): N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Part of the unit: yes
    Personality: crude and hateful
    Bio: After losing his arm at a young age he had a mechanical one replace it. He was injected at a very young age and when he turned 18 he joined the unit of his own judgement and his reasons remained unknown.
    Appearance: http://albelxnel.kuroi-hoshi.org/game/3DAl3.jpg
    Power(s): Darkness of the elements (using a colourless copy of an element he's been hit by)
    Weapon(s): Katana
    Other: Skillet is a badass band, so badass the song of the same name as this rp is an amv of mine XD

    Username: Silver/Crescent/Entity/Xaren
    Name: Lyon Phelton
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Part of the unit: Yes

    Personality: Dark and mysterious, loves a good fight.
    Bio: Unknown, has been lost in record and his mind. Only thing he knows is, that he works only for the Unit and nothing more, searching for new recruits and making them go against their will.
    Appearance: http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm45/xMidnight_Tempressx/Anime/anime_guy23.jpg
    Power(s): Ice and Fire.
    Weapon(s): Rapier, complete normal rapier with only one slight point to it, can become any other weapon of its own class.
    Other: 'Skillet Is A Badass Band >8D'

    Username: Cherry
    Name: Mimi Kenzo
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Part of the unit: Not Yet
    Personality: Awestruck at almost anything she sees, and is one of the quietest people you'll ever meet. She's usally either listening to music, painting, or even simply reading a book. She's always dreaded her birthdays, and cares more for others than herself generally.
    Bio: A long time ago, Akane lost her memory due to an elevator accident, and although the elevator plummeted 28 floors down, she somehow managed to survive.
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime girl/lightstone_2008/siezethelight0.jpg?o=105
    Power(s): [Unknown until 18, but with image, you'll know soon.]
    Weapon(s): Two large rods that can either turn into double edged swords, or a large scythe.
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’ - Dead right that is =P

    Username: Cherry
    Name: Momo Ryoka
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: For Now, yes.
    Personality: The louder person of the group, always speaks of her mind and thinks of her opinion as the best, albeit the fact she's clumsy. Scared of almost any insect that walks the earth, and listens to all types of music. She is up to date, and seems pretty much hyper most of the time for no reason.
    Bio: Made friends with Mimi from the age of 4, so has pretty much been attached to her. Was made to quit school to join the UNIT.
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime girl/deadlypoisonrain/37.jpg?o=182
    Power(s): Telekenisis, levitation and the ''Matrix'' Move.
    Weapon(s): Its on her photo, its a bit like what people took to the first world war (Can't remember its name) She also has a bazooka, but much tinier.
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’ - Dead right that is =P

    Username: Twilightblader
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Part of the unit: yes
    Personality: He doesn't really show his emotions and is always calm in most situations
    Bio: Nothing is really know about Blade. All that is know about him is that he has joined the Military ever since he was 18 and nothing more
    Appearance: http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq223/PheonixSylonix/carnagesword.jpg
    Power(s): Energy manipulation
    Weapon(s): the swords in the pic
    Other: Skillet is a badass band >8D

    Username: Lonely Breeze
    Name: Freesia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: Yes, she merely heals wounded soldiers.
    Personality: Freesia is calm and caring, though a little shy and not optimistic.
    Bio: A few years back, Freesia had her family killed right in front of her, one by one. Since then, she'd been suffering from a trauma which haunts her every night.
    Power(s): Healing and Flight
    Weapon(s): A whip
    Other: Skillet is a badass band >8D

    Username: King Of Darkness
    Name: Bane
    Gender: Male
    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.): 33
    Part of the unit: (Just put yes or no): Yes
    Personality: Likes to remain a Enigma. He taungths his enemies. Sometimes during a fight he'll let his rage get ahead of him and he'll sometimes not think right because of this. He won't talk unless he feels he has too. Doesen't like to open up to people a lot.
    Bio: His Family was a poor Family that could not hide him from the unit or do anything to save him, so he went and had to join. In order to protect his family from any that were "anti-unit" and wished to hurt the parents of those for work for them, he changed his name to Bane. He is sort of paranoid of other people finding out about his family, so he mostly keeps to himself.
    Appearance: A Man wearing a black cloack. Has Black hair and looks tall for his age. He has white skin, and brown eyes. His face shows no signs of how he feels unless in battel, through which in one of the worst cases it will be a growl. He always keeps his Masamune by his side in a sheath. His Boots are Black because he says it helps it look like their clean.
    Power(s): Flame, flight, and enhanced speed and phyichal abilites.
    Weapon(s): A Masamune
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’

    Username: Crimson
    Name: Holden Grey
    Gender: Male(duh)
    Age: 27
    Personality: YYYYYEEEESS! Oh wait...sorry. >> Always insults and makes rude comments about others. Holden always has something to say. Although he may act immature, he's pretty damn smart...when he wants to show it.
    Bio: He willingly let himself join the unit, mainly because he thought he could make a difference if he had powers. Holden has always been quite gifted with a blade although sometimes he wishes he had other powers like the others. He's constantly making up things on the spot because of his lack...things has become skilled with improvisation with just about anything.
    He's already forgotten about his past in all the excitement and personally...he just doesn't care. Living in the moment is what he cares about...sometimes.
    Appearance: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f151/oberon_brs/RPG Characters/anime_guy-1.jpg *random link*
    Power: Super badass physical abilities(>8D) and a high resistance to any form of magic.
    Weapon: Something similar to the Buster Sword...*too lazy to say something else*
    Other: I personally don't like Skillet. So no. It's not badass. D8<

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Ken
    Gender: male
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: no
    Personality: full of himself, loves to play around. Not very serious all the time, but he has his nice moments to, while at others he may try to act like a charmer
    Bio: A swordsmen (he uses more high tech swords of course. just read) who is known well by the government as Tri-Edge, given his name due to his skills. Known to carry around a hilt which creates a beam like saber in the form of a giant sword, though he still has his own assortment of minor weapons which he uses on the sides (a gun and a few explosives at times). Known as a high risk terrorist, he has been made a threat since it has been made known that he has been able to hold his own against their new soldiers. He has been known to cause most havoc in high populated area's, usually attacking something which may have interested him. As for what lead up to his terrorist actions, is completely unknown
    Appearance: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r61/yukidarkfan/guy.jpg
    Power(s): n/a
    Weapon(s): A giant hilt which can create a beam saber. At the top of the saber though is anouther hilt, which he may use to create a second, much skinnier sword. This weapon can be used in many forms and fashions. He also carries a gun and few explosives with him (explosives only used when nescasary)
    Other: Skillet is not a badass band >8D’
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Part of the unit: yes
    Personality: crude and hateful
    Bio: After losing his arm at a young age he had a mechanical one replace it. He was injected at a very young age and when he turned 18 he joined the unit of his own judgement and his reasons remained unknown.
    Appearance: http://albelxnel.kuroi-hoshi.org/game/3DAl3.jpg
    Power(s): Darkness of the elements (using a colourless copy of an element he's been hit by)
    Weapon(s): Katana
    Other: Skillet is a badass band, so badass the song of the same name as this rp is an amv of mine XD
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Read rules.

    XD They are a badass band. >8D
    You're in Fayt.
  4. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Now you're in.

    You're in. 8D
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Username: Twilightblader
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Part of the unit: yes
    Personality: He doesn't really show his emotions and is always calm in most situations
    Bio: Nothing is really know about Blade. All that is know about him is that he has joined the Military ever since he was 18 and nothing more
    Appearance: http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq223/PheonixSylonix/carnagesword.jpg
    Power(s): Energy manipulation
    Weapon(s): the swords in the pic
    Other: Skillet is a badass band >8D
  6. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    That kind of looks like Cloud except with red hair. XD You're in.
  7. Lonely Breeze Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    On a planet you call Earth.
    Username: Lonely Breeze
    Name: Freesia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: Yes, she merely heals wounded soldiers.
    Personality: Freesia is calm and caring, though a little shy and not optimistic.
    Bio: A few years back, Freesia had her family killed right in front of her, one by one. Since then, she'd been suffering from a trauma which haunts her every night.
    Power(s): Healing and Flight
    Weapon(s): A whip
    Other: Skillet is a badass band >8D
  8. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    You're in.

    Once one more person joins, we'll go head and start.
  9. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Username: King Of Darkness
    Name: Bane
    Gender: Male
    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.): 33
    Part of the unit: (Just put yes or no): Yes
    Personality: Likes to remain a Enigma. He taungths his enemies. Sometimes during a fight he'll let his rage get ahead of him and he'll sometimes not think right because of this. He won't talk unless he feels he has too. Doesen't like to open up to people a lot.
    Bio: His Family was a poor Family that could not hide him from the unit or do anything to save him, so he went and had to join. In order to protect his family from any that were "anti-unit" and wished to hurt the parents of those for work for them, he changed his name to Bane. He is sort of paranoid of other people finding out about his family, so he mostly keeps to himself.
    Appearance: A Man wearing a black cloack. Has Black hair and looks tall for his age. He has white skin, and brown eyes. His face shows no signs of how he feels unless in battel, through which in one of the worst cases it will be a growl. He always keeps his Masamune by his side in a sheath. His Boots are Black because he says it helps it look like their clean.
    Power(s): Flame, flight, and enhanced speed and phyichal abilites.
    Weapon(s): A Masamune
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Crimson
    Name: Holden Grey
    Gender: Male(duh)
    Age: 27
    Personality: YYYYYEEEESS! Oh wait...sorry. >> Always insults and makes rude comments about others. Holden always has something to say. Although he may act immature, he's pretty damn smart...when he wants to show it.
    Bio: He willingly let himself join the unit, mainly because he thought he could make a difference if he had powers. Holden has always been quite gifted with a blade although sometimes he wishes he had other powers like the others. He's constantly making up things on the spot because of his lack...things has become skilled with improvisation with just about anything.
    He's already forgotten about his past in all the excitement and personally...he just doesn't care. Living in the moment is what he cares about...sometimes.
    Appearance: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f151/oberon_brs/RPG Characters/anime_guy-1.jpg *random link*
    Power: Super badass physical abilities(>8D) and a high resistance to any form of magic.
    Weapon: Something similar to the Buster Sword...*too lazy to say something else*
    Other: I personally don't like Skillet. So no. It's not badass. D8<

    That good enough for ya? Brb...gotta eat. ;~;
  11. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    You're in.

    D8< Skillet is a badass band. D< I'm going to eat you for saying that. You're in.

    And now, we can go head and start. 8DD
    Although, I suck at starting RPs so someone can start if they want. >> XD
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Skillet isn't as awesome as Red. D8<

    IC: Holden stared up into with his light brown eyes, letting out a high pitched whistle as he ran a hand through his dark hair. Isn't much I can do so far... He glanced down at the streets below, seeing as how he was on a tall building. He wrapped his left hand around the handle of the overly sized blade hanging on his back. No missions I guess... He thought to himself, crouching down on the corner of the rooftop.

    OOC: I couldn't think of anything else...hope I can start there. 8D
  13. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: Skillet is a very good band. D8< Stop denying it! D<

    Aria was in her room, laying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. She slowly closed her eyes, thinking. Damn... She sat up, rubbing her head and letting out a quiet sigh. Might as well look around the city. Aria stood up, grabbing her sword and heading out.

    Rebecca, was kneeling down in front of a grave. She had her hands together and up to her chest praying, with her eyes closed. I'm so sorry, Brother. Rebecca opened her eyes, looking at the name on the grave. She took a deep breath, then stood up. She stared at the name once more before turning around and leaving.

    OOC: Eh... >>
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Ken
    Gender: male
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: no
    Personality: full of himself, loves to play around. Not very serious all the time, but he has his nice moments to, while at others he may try to act like a charmer
    Bio: A swordsmen (he uses more high tech swords of course. just read) who is known well by the government as Tri-Edge, given his name due to his skills. Known to carry around a hilt which creates a beam like saber in the form of a giant sword, though he still has his own assortment of minor weapons which he uses on the sides (a gun and a few explosives at times). Known as a high risk terrorist, he has been made a threat since it has been made known that he has been able to hold his own against their new soldiers. He has been known to cause most havoc in high populated area's, usually attacking something which may have interested him. As for what lead up to his terrorist actions, is completely unknown
    Appearance: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r61/yukidarkfan/guy.jpg
    Power(s): n/a
    Weapon(s): A giant hilt which can create a beam saber. At the top of the saber though is anouther hilt, which he may use to create a second, much skinnier sword. This weapon can be used in many forms and fashions. He also carries a gun and few explosives with him (explosives only used when nescasary)
    Other: Skillet is not a badass band >8D’

    ((Thought it might do you good to have someone thats not in the army, lol (well u know, against them, but still) ))
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik stood at the entrance to the units base leaning against the wall next to the gate, Guard duty, psh, He thought to himself seeing how he was considered too young for anything big yet also because his power has yet to do more than the training in which he learned to mimic fire.
  16. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: You're in. I see that white text. XD

    Aria started leaving the unit's base, tying her hair into a ponytail. I doubt any of us will get a mission soon but might as well not sit around. Once she was outside, Aria stopped walking when people started staring at her the moment she stepped out of the unit's base. She let out a deep sigh, and rubbed her head. People think everyone in the unit is bad. But that's not true. Aria put her arm down to her side and started walking, trying to ignore all the staring.

    Rebecca was out of the cemetery and heading home. She kept her eyes down to the ground and keeping a slow pace walk. Rebecca wasn't in a hurry to do anything so might as well take your time. She closed her eyes for a moment, then crossing her arms, as if she was in deep thought.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: lol. looks like I've been caught. oh well, I tried ^_^

    bic: Ken had his hood over his face, covering himself, as he walked through the crowds of people. It was perfect for his style of performance as well. It was going to be a simple job this time, something that anyone could do. After all, he needed money and after having to quit, yet, anouther job, he had no other choice really. THe timing was perfect as well. The bank would be about to close, so the guards obviously wouldn't be working very hard, probably tired from the long days work, making infiltration much easier without having all of those alarms set up

    ooc: I never got that. IF robbers were smart then they would rob the bank at the end of the day when everyone is tired out instead of risking the alarm and all of that. Honostly, some people....(not that I ever would rob a bank. just saying. Criminals should consider actually being GOOD at what they do for once, though then again, that would be a bad thing for us >.>)
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Robbing a bank is harder than that. Sometimes mid-day robberies are easier...hostages=ftw. Sometimes. >< And alarms are on at all times. @-@ Besides...getting good at robbing a bank and not getting caught requires weeks to YEARS...plans, sometimes getting an inside person, tools, just plain having a good eye, etc.

    BIC: Holden leapt down from the building, slamming into the ground below and surprising several pedestrians. Screw being subtle. He laughed quietly and walked off in a seemingly random direction, having no current assignments or duties to preform. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and glanced back at the crack he left in the pavement. Err...maybe I could've made it a soft landing...

    OOC: *writer's block* ; ;
  19. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: XD By the way, wanted to clear something, with the missions or assignments they have to do, you guys can make them up yourselves. I don't always have to be the one saying they have something to do. >>

    Aria quietly walked around, not making eye contact with anybody but she still had the feeling that people were staring. She quietly groaned, crossing her arms. Why is it that whenever I go out, people have to stare? For a quick moment, she looked up at the sky, taking in a deep breath. Well, might as well run. Aria slowly began to pick up her pace until she finally broke into a run.

    Rebecca raised her head, looking around, seeing many other people pass by her. Some were part of the unit, others were just civilians. Rebecca looked back, continuing to head home.
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: I meant different kinds of alarms. If it is a job done when they are about to close, maybe when there are still a few people there, then u still have hostages, u have police which can work the system, and u have a bunch of people that are really tired, lol. As for a mole that gets implanted in the bank, it should be someone thats behind the counter to ensure that no one pulls the alarm >.>

    bic: Ken smiled, standing amongst the crowd within the bank. It was a small crowd, waiting in line, as he slowly walked closer to the woman at the desk. Both other desks had been closed down, due to the late hour, and there was only a half hour until the closing time. He approached the desk, with a grin on his face. "Good evening"...
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