First sprite on months <_>, and indeed they are quite addicting :'D. CnC? :D. Btw, I´ll add text to it later xD.
Add some red effects and text in there and you'll have hawtness. You're getting really great, Chaser! I like those little green dots with an unhealthy passion, and I'm not sure why. xD Some pentooling might be sexy in here too. Go CnC my sig. D:<
New versions :'D: Tried adding all the FG and red I could without making it look weird xD. Too, text wasn´t never my strong =P.
nice, the FG is awesome on V2 and V3, i like how you made the sprite stand out, but not too much, the flow is really good, and i like the effect the c4d gives it, the pentooling coming out of my right, on the sprite is good, got a nice spacy look to it, colors go good, overall awesome sig. can you give CnC on my new sig
There is no C4Ds xD, it´s mostly Liquify, a clipping mask, and a space stock. Yeah, I like V2 too, I thought the lighting turned too overpowered in V3 xD. Thanks everyone =D.