Fallen Angels

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Jul 24, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Legolan, the planet of war and turmoil. A land which holds both the dimensions of heaven and hell in such close contact. Heaven, the area where the angels reside. Some times though, these angels are exiled for committing evil deeds, and are banished to the realm down below, the realm of hell, where humans reside and have built there societies (in other words, what we might call middle earth is what others would actually refer to as hell). It is here on this plain where human kingdoms exsist, utilizing both magic and technology. Some civilizations technoly advanced enough to built such fascinating machines, while others use magic to bring ease to their daily every day lives.
    Within this world, there exsist artifacts, known as the God’s Blessings, though most people simply refer to them as relics. These relics come in different forms, some in the forms of weapons, some in the forms of technology, and some of them even come in the appearance of an animal. They exsist here, for the use of the humans, tools made specificly by God as gifts to the humans in order to protect themselves from these fallens angels. But not only are these weapons scarce, but once the humans were granted them, they ended up fighting eachother for them, and once they obtained them, it only lead to wrought and destruction. Humans have now become sickening creatures, every kingdom concerned with their own well being, and attacking any outsiders, sealing themselves within their walls, mostly controlled by totalitarian power. And in all of the confusion, an evil force has risen up from the ashes of the burnt cities, a group of fallen angels. These fallen angels, though indeed evil, find the faults in human kind, and so they have gathered together, and have formed to create a new creation, a………manufactured angel, a being of magic formed from the wonders to technology, and now, these new beings have been controlled by these fallen angels, conquering one kingdom after another, and eradicating every human in sight. In other words, no mercy. And so, in response, some kingdoms have began to form alliances, while others remain the same, isolated, and cold towards the outside world. And our story begins in one of those allianced kingdoms, the Kingdom of Kiroku, where one of Legolan’s finest armies resides. And it is this very army, which you have trained so hard to join, in order to help the alliance kingdoms to save humanity itself from these fallen angels. And it is now, on this very day, where you finally take the test to see if you are truelly ready to join the Grand Kiroku Army against the forces of darkness!

    No Godmodding.


    No killing without the other person’s permission

    Technology in this day and age is very simple. If you have a cannon, then it’ll look pretty spruced up, like a futuristic cannon, but it won’t have a bunch of little gadgets added onto it. As for things such as robots, they are highly rare, and the rarest of machine type relics, usually terribly small things as well.

    No laser guns or whatever. Normal guns are aloud, and if they are relics, then they might have a sort of power, but I will inform you whether that power is alrite or not.

    If I find a certain weapon, or anything wrong with your bio that I personally do not like, then I will ask you to make a new one. Remember, unlike the US, this thread is a dictatorship with me as ruler, so no nooby stuff, alrite.

    Add into your history (if you are a fallen angel) if you are a member of the army of fallen angels that are trying to wipe out the humans.

    Last but not least, all angels and fallen angels have an ability, that does not require the use of a relic, but is naturally born. But, in your bio, you must have either a strong naturally born power, or a strong relic, and depending on which one is strong, the other is weak. I personally would suggest a relic which has a weak power that can be used in order to accommodate your natural power

    And also, as a reminder to the post about this thread being a dictatorship. From now on, if I find that someone is doing something that is impossible for them to do, then I shall put that down as a strike. You get 3 strikes. I have a section prepared for warnings and such as well
    Warning 1= just a warning, no biggy
    warning 2= banned from the thread for 3 days
    warning 3= perma ban!
    I run this thread my way, and my way only. If you have a suggestion, then bring it up, but these are my rules, in order to ensure that this thread does not have any problems

    Warnings list=

    Relic types:
    Weapon: A weapon, such as a sword, or a gun, can have a special ability, which is not of the users, but simply the weapons. Such as a cannon for instance. If a cannon were to be used, and it were a relic, then it most likely would create a giant energy blast, though the user would not be able to create energy blasts him/her self.
    Machine: A machine kind of relic usually has something to do with fixing up things or improving a part of your body. If it were a special type of robotic glove or something, then it would most likely increase your strength
    Animal: Animals are the rarest of all, and usually have elemental abilities, or certain abilities which revolve around a spiritual stand point instead of a physical world type, such as maybe astro projection, being able to speak English, or maybe even turning into a humanoid like creature.

    Race: (human, fallen angel, or angel (angel charecters can only be used if you have my permission. I will only let certain people use them))
    Age: (fallen angels and angels have extended life lines obviously)
    Natural born ability: (angels and fallen angels only)
    Relic: (every soldier is given a relic towards the beginning if they have not inherited one within their family already. Remember, it could be a weapon, a piece of machinery, or even an animal)
    Relics ability:
    Played by:

    Name: Ren
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: A young man, full of energy, and ready for anything., so he sometimes finds himself in. He is some what noble though, and is quite impulsive, doing whatever he feels is right. He only wants the right thing to be done, and to protect others, and so now he is a soldier in training, soon to become a fully fledged soldier.
    Relic: His relic is a special sword, a small sized katana, with an awkward connected group of gears, which have been pressed together by a metallic seal which surrounds the gears, over the hilt of the sword.
    Relics ability: Whenever the gears begin to spin, then, the metal blade of the sword begins to heat up to such an extreme, that if it touches another piece of metal, then the metal, as well as whatever is around it, can heat up to the point where it can cause third degree burns to whatever part of your body you touch it with. Whatever is next to it and touching it at the time could either heat up as well, melt, or simply stay the same.
    History: He has no memory of his past since the age of 14. His last memory is himself waking up outside, and seeing a battlefield, littered with bloody bodies, from both sides of the field. He was dazed at the time, and wandered into the near by kingdom, where he joined in to become a soldier, at first so he could make money to keep himself stable since he had no idea what was going on. Later on though, as he learned of the ways of the soldier, he began to admire them for their courage, and soon, decided to devote himself to become a soldier, in order to protect the kingdom, after learning of the evils which the soldiers were being trained to fight against
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Li
    Race: Human
    Age: unknown
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Mysterious upon all levels. Girls seem to love him because of his cool, mysterious aura which surrounds him, and he is always polite, and appears to always be there whenever help is needed
    Relic: unknown. Has never revealed it in public
    History: Shrouded in mystery, his past is as questionable as the meaning of life itself
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Michael
    Race: Angel
    Age: 466
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold, precisive, and direct. A natural born leader, and though he will never let any of his men get left behind, he drives them hard, and tends to drift away from them. He does whatever he must in order to complete his mission, without disturbing his duties from God, and tends to get cold whenever people try to get information from him about God, since they have never actually seen him before
    Natural born ability: Energy control. He is able to take the energy around him, and give it physical form, and can either blast it at someone, or perhaps utilize it into a sword of some sort. The possibilities are wide, of what he is able to do with the manipulated energy, making it quite dangerous
    Relic: His relic is a glass eye, which is undoubtly a terribly powerful relic. In order for it to work though, the user must replace their own eye with it, making it a relic with a history of pain to it.
    Relics ability: The ability of the relic allows the user, to literally, send a type of ‘probe’, or a piece of their soul into another persons body, which can then unify with that persons mind, and literally, collect information. It can even be used to put in new memories, or delete old memories from within the brain. It is not to be used lightly though, for it takes away the life span of the user, 1 day for each minute. It is deadly, yet powerful, since even though it is not useful in the battlefield, it can still be powerful use against more higher up enemies
    History: He is an angel of God, and a close guardian of his. He had been sent by God to help the humans not to long ago, and in an instant, was brought up to be one of the highest ranks in the Kiroku, due to him being an angel. He has only been around for a full year now, but has been most efficient in his methods, and merciless against the fallen angels. Besides that though, he does not have to much of a history
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Ryo
    Race: Fallen angel
    Age: 35
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold towards everyone and everything around him, not caring for what gets destroyed in his path, and only doing what he feels is justice. He does not hesitate to kill, and does not care who he kills. He certainly is no fan of any of the kingdoms, and destroys any armies that he may see.
    Natural born ability: the power of darkness. He has the ability to control the powers of the shadows themselves, as well as the ability to bring his own shadow to life.
    Relic: The armagedon glove (a part of a set)
    Relics ability: One of two gloves, both with the same abilities. They have the ability to channel energy, and compress it into the form of a ball. Due to that balls compression of energy, the energy becomes dangerous, almost explosive, and can then be turned into a very dangerous weapon, depending on what form of energy is used to create it
    History: Known and fear by all the kingdoms, he is known as the Black Reaper, known for his abilities to kill an entire army in a single sweep. No one really knows who is or where he is from. He is a mystery to most since he moves around the world all by himself, instead of being in one of the fallen angel armies. People tend not to ask though, because of his notoriety
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Sammael
    Race: Angel
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Relaxed most of the time except when eating. he's good towards everyone even though they may be his enemy
    Natural born ability: Ability to see a persons soul and heal it
    Relics ability: Cut through anything
    History: Sammaell is the angel of souls he can easily see what a kind of person you are, he fights for the weak and can't stand evil.
    Played by:Varnor

    Name: Megumi
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Age: 100
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Childish and likes it when no one knows a lot about her
    Natural born ability: The power to bend light into light beams. sheilds, etc
    Relic: Jamie=Wolf
    Relics ability: Controls fire and earth to a level. Commuiates telepathiclly to humans/angels/etc
    History: When she was an angel she always did as order without question but then she thought for herself for once and never followed another order again. Then she did something to make her get banished (Learn later what it was) and when she came to where the humans were she met Jamie and they made a deal. The rest is unknown expect she travels around the world now. Itentions are unknown at this point
    Played by: Random Angel

    Name: Ayanna
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Age: 200
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: She's very very quiet and independant, she likes to do stuff by herself, but she is a kind person
    Natural Born Ability: She can read minds, see the future and control objects with her mind
    Relic: A small black cat named Alec
    Relics Ability: Can move incredibly fast and transform into much larger cat, also he can communicate with Ayanna, but only with Ayanna
    History: When she was an angel she got mixed up in a crime that got her banished, (more later) she's feels very guilty for doing it and feels that she would do anything to take it back. She saved Alec soon after her banishment, they became good friends, and now they never leave eachothers sides.
    Played by: kairigirl22

    Name: Jack Skull
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality:Hyper, likes to act cool and have fun, he also has a tendency to put things on fire.
    Relic:A black glove
    Relics ability: Manipulate and transform any form of liquid
    History: Well he might have one but he really don't care, he can remember it that's not the problem its more like he don't want to remember mostly cause he's life was pretty boring. he now travels around having fun.
    Played by:Varnor

    Name: Blade
    Race: Angel
    Age: 400
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm quiet and nice
    Natural born ability: control the powers of wind. Can use it to create sheilds and use it for attacking purposes
    Relic: A big broadsword known as the blade of beginning
    Relics ability: shoot beams
    History: A traveling swordsmen who travels the heavens. He goes around training his swords skills and helping others
    Played by: Twilightblader

    Terra (will post later. pg7)
  2. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Name: Sammael
    Race: Angel
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Relaxed most of the time except when eating. he's good towards everyone even though they may be his enemy
    Natural born ability: Ability to see a persons soul and heal it
    Relic:Longsword which has a long rope on the end of it.
    Relics ability: The sword can cut through anything if he wants.
    History: Sammael is the angel of souls he can easily see what a kind of person you are, he fights for the weak and can't stand evil. he is kind to everyone he meets even though he may not like them. though if he has to he will fight to the very end.
    Played by:Varnor
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: accepted of course ^_^
  4. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    OOC: He he thought so ^^
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: just godda wait for others and kairi to join, then we can start
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Name: Megumi
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Age: 100
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Childish and likes it when no one knows a lot about her
    Natural born ability: The power to bend light into light beams. sheilds, etc
    Relic: Jamie=Wolf
    Relics ability: Controls fire and earth to a level. Commuiates telepathiclly to humans/angels/etc
    History: When she was an angel she always did as order without question but then she thought for herself for once and never followed another order again. Then she did something to make her get banished (Learn later what it was) and when she came to where the humans were she met Jamie and they made a deal. The rest is unknown expect she travels around the world now. Itentions are unknown at this point
    Played by: Random Angel

    I hope that is okay....And I might add another person in later...and sorry that I took so long...Damn distracting demi and youtube

    ...when we start?
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: oh right, I almost forgot to add. It would be a good idea for people with fallen angel charecters to add whether they are a part of the army that has been put together by fallen angels in there history. So if she is a member of the army, then add that into your history plz. I will be adding that rule now. but you are excepted!
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    she isn't at the moment but she'll join if asked at the right time and moment
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: k then. Now just godda wait for kairi and a few others...
  10. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Name: Ayanna
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Age: 200
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: She's very very quiet and independant, she likes to do stuff by herself, but she is a kind person
    Natural Born Ability: She can read minds, see the future and control objects with her mind
    Relic: A small black cat named Alec
    Relics Ability: Can move incredibly fast and transform into much larger cat, also he can communicate with Ayanna, but only with Ayanna
    History: When she was an angel she got mixed up in a crime that got her banished, (more later) she's feels very guilty for doing it and feels that she would do anything to take it back. She saved Alec soon after her banishment, they became good friends, and now they never leave eachothers sides.
    Played by: kairigirl22

    sorry it took so long ^_^
  11. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    OOC: KAIRI!!!!!!! your back!!!!

    and here's another characther
    Name: Jack Skull
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality:Hyper, likes to act cool and have fun, he also has a tendency to put things on fire.
    Relic:A black glove
    Relics ability: Manipulate and transform any form of liquid
    History: Well he might have one but he really don't care, he can remember it that's not the problem its more like he don't want to remember mostly cause he's life was pretty boring. he now travels around having fun.
    Played by:Varnor
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: rofl. varnor, you certainly are excited ^_^

    And ummmm, kairi, would you mind reposting your charecters appearance? I can't see it TT_TT
    Besides that though, you'll be accepted

    And also, kairi said we can go on without her, so then we can get started now (or atleast once RA is on or someone else joins)

    OH ya, and varnor, your charecter is accepted
  13. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    OOC: Jippi ^^ now we just have to wait
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: yep. I just hope that more people join though

    I'll brb in a half hour
  15. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    OOC: yup I'm back lol sorry I left :(
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: she won't be back until sunday, so we might as well get the human charecters started off then. Just gimme a moment
  17. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    OOC: Finaly we're starting
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: srry for the wait. I'm kinda in a lot of pain at the moment, so I might take awhile in my posts

    bic: Ren stretched out, yawning, as he began to open his eyes. He was in his quarters at the moment, and the sun was shining down right on his room. "Man it feels good to wake up with the sun risen right on ya" he said, as he started to stretch, though only to be interupted by someone outside banging on their pan, yelling "ALL SOLDIERS REPORT TO THE FIELD OUTSIDE FOR AN EXAMINATION, ON THE DOUBLE!!!". "Crap" Ren muttered, as he started looking around the room for his soldier uniform, since everything was thrown around the place
  19. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Jack was walking into town, everywhere you could see people getting ready for the big day. some was busy cleaning their stores making them ready to be opened, others was getting out taking the first breath of fresh air. Jack smiled and looked around "This place is perfect for my next adventure"he thought as he walked inside a jewellery store
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Ren stood outside, lined up in a row of obediant soldiers, as their commanding officer started to approach them. He was observing them all, seeing how well in shape they were. "Today, I have called you all for an inspection, but what I am inspecting, is not just your fitness, but also, your rallying ability. Now, I know, this is cheerleader work usually, right? Well guess what ladies! Today, your gonna be as dam frilly and as frigge nilly as any normal cheerleader, ya got that!" he yelled at them all. "Basicly, I am giving you all a little contest here, one might say. You trainees are going to go out, and look for new recruits, since we are a bit short. Winner gets to eat in the commanders quarters, got it!" he said to them all. All the soldiers began chatting with eachother about it, getting some what excited, since the commander always got some of the best food and best living conditions. To them, it was some what of an honor really. "QUIT GOSSIPING LADIES, AND GET BUSY!!!" he yelled at them all, causing them all to begin to squable, including Ren, who was admist the crowd of soldier trainees. For him, this was a true honor, due to the fact that he barely got to eat anything do to his low status, so the minute that the commanding officer ordered them to get moving, he started rushing right towards the exit of the training grounds, which would soon leed im to the public area of the city. It was like a mob of trainees, as they started going up to citizen after citizen, making attempts to get them to join the army, in such a rush, that it was some what sad to see that they were being trained in order to become the future that would end up protecting there city.
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