I drew this picture, submitted it on an album I had here, and two days later someone tells me that the person I drew has six fingers. D: Edit: XD All of my eraser marks...
that was not meant to be a finger. i see what you are trying to do since im an expert at drawing. :P still, it's a good picture. (it's not sepposed to be a finger, right?
yeah, I can see why someone thought it was a finger, but it's the palm of the hand closest to the wrist. You could fix that easily enough though. That's a pretty good free-drawn picture.
Lol, I really don't know. Sometimes I draw at 2am in the morning so I could've been tired and accidently drew an extra finger.
Oh, now I remember what I did! XD I couldn't move it right so I rushed before going to sleep. Oh well :P I like how I did the eyes. *hopes no one notices that one eye is bigger than the other*