Classic story really. Boy meets girl. Boy falls for girl. Girl moves away. Boy pursues girl. But the thing is...i think the girl really likes me back deep down,but she just won't admit it..i just want one chance to be able to be with her..but nothing ever seems to go right for me..i just don't know what i should do..can anyone offer any suggestions?
If the girl isn't interested, then there's nothing you can do. A relationship requires two people to make an effort, and the effort required when it's long distance is far greater than that of a normal relationship. So unless you can get her to agree to something, you're better off moving on. If she agrees to try to make it work out, then you have a few options. If she's still relatively close (i.e. same land-mass) then you can still meet up during holidays and the like. In the mean time, you can text, use the phone, webcam, MSN, etc. Your ability to communicate is limited only by your imagination and determination. So what you have to do is simply get confirmation from her that she likes you, and wishes to pursue a relationship with you. If you can't get that, then continuing along this path won't end well at all, especially considering the distance. Find out whether she (still?) likes you. Asking her directly is probably the best choice, considering the circumstances.
Yeah, what P said. Pretty much sums it up. Just to add though. In my opinion, if she is to be moving and you are serious about her, then you have nothing to lose right? I mean, while it isn't nice, the worst she can do is say no... If she's moving away then you might as well take the shot. Otherwise there will be no chance of it happening if you don't. Some people say, those who follow their dreams are stupid, cause if they fail, they will regret it. But, the answer to that is: Yeah, you can follow your dreams, fail and regret it, but wouldn't you regret it more if you never tried in the first place? It's the same for this situation. Her moving away may force you to act, and you asking her and her rejecting you, would yes, make you feel regret. (not saying this will happen.) But seriously... wouldn't you regret it (considering you feel there is the possibility that she also likes you) if you didn't try before she left. I'm repeating myself I know... but yeah, this may be your last chance, and mate, if she is moving anyway then you've got nothing to lose. Whatever you choose to do. I wish you luck.
Thanks both of you. Bushy,she's already moved. And yeah she's only about 2 hours travel from here,and i asked her if she likes me..she said she doesn't know
Whelp, that makes things harder. Now you can either keep up communications with her, and hope she changes her mind (which may prove to be a thorough waste of time and effort), or you can give up and move on. Either option is difficult in its own way, so it's your choice there.
but is that what you want? If she doesn't know maybe she does but if you try to hard you may push her away or maybe she may even start to think of you as a storker
but if you want to try just so you know then isn't that better that saying no just in case and having regrets
Well,i spoke to her tonight. I let her know that i'm moving on..but if it turns out she does like me,i'll still be here and maybe things will work then.
Yeah, I was going to say... I've seen that trick before... It's a common thing in some long distance things. When a girl says they don't know. Sometimes they just want to see if you're going to keep it up. It doesn't mean you'll look like a stalker or anything, she just wants to know if you think she is worth it, cause as you have pointed out, she evidently now, has admitted to liking you.
Us girls can sometimes be..."hard to get" is what the guys say I guess. >.> But usually those kind of girls need the time to get to know you better. (Depending on how long you've known her) You don't just flat out ask her if she likes you back. That's a no-no. .__. If you have her number you can text her some I guess, or if she has a facebook/myspace/whatever. If you really want to be with her start talking to her some and maybe she'll start to feel more comfurtable (bad spelling is bad...) around you. Oh and if she says that she doesn't know if she likes you or not, then...well... like I said, just talk to her more.