Well, I finally have a fanfic of a fanfic. That's right, I finally have an idea about something similar to Mexony's (wonderful) story "Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth" without really copying her. Enjoy~ (And I strongly suggest reading Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth :D Credit in this story is 75% Mexony, and 25% all the rest of you who joined the story! Thanks so much.) You can pm me or post a comment about joining. The format will be: Username: Character's Name: Character's Age: Character's appearance: (pic and or description of appearance) Character's History: Character's weapon and (if there is) weapon's name: Character's Alliance: Good, evil, neutral Character's Goal on Earth: Character's Description (Personality and such): Character's Species: Character's Original World (Game it Came from, and it has to be one of the one's mentioned!): Note that you may only use an OC (original character). If you do someone like Demyx or Cloud, I won't count it. Only one character per person~ Sorry for any mistakes I'm on my mom's computer and she doesn't have Microsoft Word. Prologue: What happens now? The mist swirled around the battlefield swarmed with heartless as Sora readied a final blow. Running past Donald and Goofy, he reached Riku and put his Keyblade next to the charged Way to Dawn. Sora looked at his best friend and whispered, "Ready?" The tall white haired teenager nodded. "TRINITY LIMIT!" The call rang across the valley that was quickly being consumed by light. Everyone shielded their eyes and waited for the attack to wear off. When it grew dark again, Sora took his hand away from his face and gazed at his surroundings. The Organization XIII did the same, and glanced around at each other. All of the heartless had disapeared. Zexion quietly asked Sora, "Where now? There are no Heartless to follow. I can't get any scent on the air." Sora shrugged and looked around him. There was a large temple not that far from the edge of the valley. Donald saw it too, and pointed, "That way!" The group of people ran off. Ever since the girl named Xaale had saved the Organization from nothingness, the group of thirteen had changed. All darkness had seemed to leave the XIII, but they still had no hearts. Sora found it hard to trust them, but unwillingly helped them try to find Xaale. She had mysteriously disapeared after a trip to this world, Varocina, to see her long lost friend Acelius. She never returned. Now inside the temple, the group walked around. Sora observed in disapointment that the room was empty. Riku walked alongside of Xaldin, and both bent down to examine some runes along the wall. "Come here, I think we found something!" The party of people (and animals) came over. It dipicted strange symbols of circles and hearts with x's through them surrounding them. It also showed a giant mass of cross outs and scribbles as if the drawer was not sure what to sketch. Zexion was a scholar, so Xaldin beckoned him over. He read, "If Heartless infect the world, you must come to a temple of Grace. The predator, unknown to all except he is a heartless, will come and destroy each world one by one until he is the creator." Everyone shared strange looks. Demyx walked over and leaned against the wall to try and at casual but when he did so, the sitar strapped to his back slammed against the wall. Some of the strings vibrated, creating a wave of water on the spot. "Darn it, Demyx!" Xemnas snapped at the young blonde. He dipped his head in apology, but a gasp from Goofy drew everyone's attention back to the wall. "A hole! There's a hole in the wall!" Goofy turned to Sora, and the brunette nodded and ran into the chamber. He called from the inside for everyone to follow. Inside was a strange type of vehicle with silver wings and crystals along the back resembling spikes. These spikes followed along a long part that sprouted from the back of the aircraft like a tail. The cockpit was very small, though the ship was large. Saix walked over to the ship before anyone else. He turned to everyone and said, "The aura of lunar is coming through these crystals. They are the power source for this ship. I believe it may be larger inside." Riku volunteered to go in and inspect. Minutes passed before he climbed out with an eager look on his face. He also clutched a note in his hand. "This ship is big enough for all of us and a few seats left to spare. There must be at least 30 of them!" Everyone looked at each other excitedly until Xemnas stepped forward. Raising a hand, he said sternly, "Who ever said we were going anywhere?" Larexene, Kairi and Namine shared a look before the young blonde, Kairi-look-alike stepped forward. "Actually, we might have to. The runes said, "When Heartless infect this world." There are a lot more then normal on this world. Will the predator come soon?" Luxord stepped forward and said, "We must find Xaale though! She is most likely on this planet with Acelius!" Riku shook his head. He held out the note to the Gambler of Fate and told him to read it. "Dear Organization XIII or anyone who is with them, I am Xaale. By now, you must have gotten through the chamber with the powerful water of Demyx's sitar. That is the only way to get into this chamber of Grace: Pure water. I have fled this world on my trusted Nobody, Lunarc. All of my Pokemon that I had gotten with my trip to the spacial rift with Acelius are safe, too. She called me here because of her discovery of this rift. A legendary pokemon named Palkia has opened up a pathway to a world with four regions, maybe more, filled with pokemon and humans like us. Sheis still there, for now safe from the Predator. I wish for you to take this ship and come to the planet called Earth. I am waiting there, along with a jewel of space. This allows me to contact Palkia. This could be the key to surviving the blow of the Predator. I am waiting safely...for now. From, Xaale" Everyone looked at each other again. Axel ventured, "Pokemon...isn't that a kind of game?" (Quick note from author: "Look who's talking.") Roxas and Namine nodded. Zexion stated, "No. I have researched the jewel of space. I had, erm, misplaced it. I guess Acelius might have found it when I hd dropped it here. I never found out how to use the jewel, but I highly doubt she is lying." The group boarded the ship with Donald and Goofy at the wheel. After take-off, stars whizzed by as well as other worlds. Looking back, the small planet of Varocina became a mall speck of green among the majestic blue of space.