*facepalms in frustration*

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by {feel.the.wrath}, Sep 24, 2008.

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  1. {feel.the.wrath} Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 19, 2008
    4 am forever.
    I am just ticked off. Random rant.

    In art (which is the most fun class because my teacher is such a pushover xD), there was this one kid who thought he was so cool. He saw my kingdom hearts necklace (cuz I wear it xD), and he was like "OMG, KINGDOM HEARTS IS SO COOL!" and he started asking me questions and stuff like that.

    Now first, I told him I was obsessed with Riku, and he gave me this wtf look and said that Riku was creepy. That alone made me want to slap him.

    But that's not all. He said he had Birth by Sleep. And I said it wasn't out yet. He said in Tokyo. First of all, Tokyo is a city, idiot. He's the worst liar I've ever heard. And, it's not even out in Japan! And I told him so and he said, "That's bull****!" I told him to go check any website on the internet that is a reliable souce, and then know that I know that you are a fricking liar.

    I don't know, he just ticked me off, is all. xD
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