Anyone here play Fable, or Fable: The Lost Chapters? I'm kinda new to it, and I was just wondering what other people think of it. If there's another thread about this, I'm sorry.
ive played em both. awesome graphics. gameplay is.... considerable. i say overall they are pretty good.
Well, you've got farther than me. I'm only on the White Balverine quest, and since I'm not playing at my house it's gonna take a while for me to finish.
They are both pretty good games I, like all the different customization of your characters abilities. Wonder how the 2nd one will turn out.
Yup ^_^ I have the original for Xbox, The lost chapters for Xbox, and I have The Lost Chapters for PC too lol. It was worth getting for the PC cause now I can be Jack of Blades:
If you mod the game, yes. Oh yeah, those pics are at the very start of the game, and I have the Sword of Aeons xD
I play mine at my cousin's house, so I can't play very often. Though I really want it on the PC back at home.
Fable is the BEST game for XBox! Actually, I've never played another game for XBox other than Fable and Halo, :stupid:
Great couple of Games, Fable and Fable: TLC. Still bugs me how they changed Jack of Blades from that shrill yet sinister sounding voice in Fable to that Cliche' Deep 'I'm The Bad Guy everyone!' voice in The Lost Chapters. Favourite part would have to be when you get thrown in Prison. I kept on loosing the Race so that the years would pass in Prison, with my character growing older and being tortured. Just made his eventual escape and revenge on Jack of Blades that much more intense. I also made sure to kit him out in all Bright Will User Clothing, except for the Upper Robe, gave him a Ponytail Haircut and made sure he was good so that his hair was white and decked him out with some Will Power so he'd get those cool Tattoos Why? So he'd look like the Edge Master from Soul Calibur!
I got this on Xbox, I played some of it but then my little brothers delete all my hard work and I never played it again.
You should play it again, it's a great rpg, and it's very short, so it should only take about 20 hours with all the sidequests.
Meh, What do you expect lol. I find it enjoyable, and I quite like how they did it. Kinda "fits" with the game IMO.
I always wanted to play this game but sadly i never owned a Xbox. It looked fun though, being able to decide what you did.
Wow, a lot of it I don't understand, cause I haven't finished TLC yet, but yeah, it's a really great game, worth playing. Everything revolves around the choices you make, so it's not some 'direct-path-game' thing....