Kh-V......I'm so angry at my little sister right now.... This girl wanted to bang on the door while I'm in the bathroom, with razor in hand while I lather on shaving cream. That scared me so much, my hand goes flying up, and shaves my F*CKING EYEBROW IN HALF, GODDAMMIT. :B|: :B|:
Oh god I am so sorry. D: Thankfully, after you shave something, it tends to grow back faster... though half an eyebrow can still take a while. :x You can always draw it in while you wait, as long as you do a good job. Use light strokes, try to make it look like real hair.
:L Well she said she was putting on shaving cream, the razor didn't necessarily have to be in the vicinity of the area she was shaving. OKAY BACK TO TALKING ABOUT EYEBROWS they are a little scary & hurtful to fix/pluck/whatever
My stepmom did this one thing once, a lady took this really thin thread thing, and somehow plucked each hair out with it... It was painful to watch.
Waxing hurts less than plucking, that's for sure. Plucking is just......OuchXHow many hairs you want plucked. Waxing is......Oooooooooouuuuuuuuccchh...... See what I mean? Someone should like, totally, try this for me, and SHOW the results. I will lyke, give you my second born. And to you Kayate, But this is REAL life man. REAL life. Not Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging. XD OMG, 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN! Frame an Asia poster for me, will ya?
I once shaved my eyebrows off. Long story there. They grow back in like... 4/5 weeks or so. In the meantime; get some glue, stick the hair back on. Problem solved.
Painful at first, but you get used to it. Well... it still fricking hurts, but you don't care so much. Not fun at all. *now has the idea of filming a Vlog of me having my eyebrows waxed...*