Okay, so like anybody, I get kankasores (however you spell it). Why is it that when I rinse out my mouth with clean water and swish it around the kankasore area, it stings, and yet when it gets all dirty from other food, it doesn't?
Correct Spelling: Canker Sore And I don't know. I sorta have the same problem, but that's just 'cause I don't brush nearly enough as I should.
It's is most likely due to the clean water cleansing the infected area of your mouth. The food you eat just adds bacteria so when you rinse your mouth with something pure, the bacteria is being cleansed from the sore. Que the stings. Being clean water, it could possibly have something to do with the chemicals that is used to purify the water. However, even though it burns your sores, I don't believe it is harmful. I think the first thing I said is the most likely case in your situation. =) Hope this helps!