@Nights☆, @libregkd, @Patman, @Mixt (Tagging you guys since you were kind enough to respond to my other threads of similar nature--the level-up bug and math in video games ones.) While working on leveling my characters on Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits for my project, I noticed a long time ago that the experience you gain from using support skills, items, and destroying breakable objects increases at each level-up. At first I thought the experience enemies gave increased as well, but nope. If you're at a later point of the game, support skills and breakable objects likely give you more experience in general, but I'm not sure. Anyway, at level 30, Densimo, who's only playable/available in Darc's first chapter due to story plots, gains the following experience from Haystir Marsh at this point of the game: 485, if starting position is on the right side of the map 501, if starting position is at the top of the map 567, if starting position is at the bottom of the map The differences are simply because the enemies are different levels based on starting position, so they give more/less experience. The number of enemies are, I think, also slightly different. I'll post more info later. The experience numbers above also include a barrel that contains explosive powder most of the time and deals a fixed 50 damage every time. At level 31, the experience gained is, keeping the positions above in mind, from least to greatest: 496 512 578 The increase is 11 more experience points. At level 32, the experience gained is, keeping the positions above in mind, from least to greatest: 509 525 591 The increase is 13 more experience points and the increase itself increased by two. At level 33, the experience gained is, keeping the positions above in mind, from least to greatest: 521 537 603 The increase is 12 more experience points and the increase itself decreased by one. Finally, at level 34 (I haven't seen experience for level 35 yet), the experience gained is, keeping the positions above in mind, from least to greatest: 535 551 617 The increase is 14 more experience points and the increase itself increased by two. The experience given from the barrel increased from 173 (level 33) to 187 (level 34). As you can see, the increase is not always a certain number and changes, though I'm not quite sure how it works, but I think the increase increases by two on most level-ups. By around level 60, from when I was working with Samson, you're getting around 100 more experience points each time you level up, which continues to go up. My other theory is that when you first start the game, you don't gain any extra experience for the first so and so level-ups, but I'll have to see later. At level 34, if you went backward and subtracted two at each level up, starting with the increase of 14, you'd only get to about level 25 before getting to the negatives. So my question is why do you think it works like this? The increases' increases don't appear to steadily increase at each level up. However, my main question is what are some other games that do this type of thing?
Could be obscure equations, could be fixed amounts/proportions, can' t really see a clear pattern emerge here. Do you have one of those graphic calculators that can display graphs when you enter equations ? Back in my days they had low def screens and no anti-aliasing so the graph weren' t really precise, they looked like jagged stairs rather than smooth lines/curves. Well same principle here, if they picked an equation whose results are then rounded up or down to get rid of decimals its graph would look all jagged. You' d have to correlate those numbers with the amount of exp needed for each level up to know what kind of grinding curve they were aiming for, usually one of those three (x is your level, y is the amount of exp/enemies required to level up) : Spoiler It' s a bit weird that the level of the enemies you meet and the exp they net you increases along with yours though, I don' t remember ever playing a game like this. Most games expect you to move to a tougher zone to keep a decent grinding pace. Hell, a lot of of them actually decrease the amount of exp a given enemy nets you as you level up. But then I assume you' re talking about Arc the Lad ? It' s less uncommon for oldies to have exotic methods. The first Kingdom Hearts actually asked you which one of those three graphs suited you best. I' ve always picked the second one (slow beginnings, quicker near the end).
That's actually what I said. The experience given from, say, level ten enemies when you're at point X of game Y does not increase each time you level up if you keep grinding at that same spot and will always remain the same. The experience you get from using support skills, items, and destroying breakable objects, such as tree trunks, is what increases each time you level up.
Oh okay, that was confusing. Well anyway, I guess the exp you gain from those actions is somehow proportional to both your level and that of your enemies (with more tweaks on top of that, otherwise you' d spot the logic pretty easily). The roundings could explain the lower and higher jumps here and there.
Interesting that it is a variable value. Though I see no reason why it would have decreased. Seems unlikely that it is just noise to throw you off the greater pattern, so there is probably some factor you hadn't accounted for.
I don't think I made any mistakes, as I wrote those numbers down and saw them many, many times until the next level while grinding Densimo.
The experience calculator is different for every game. I know in LOTD, way back in the day, experience was set per area. So if you were a level thirty and went back to the starting area, you wouldn't gain much xp. From the sounds of it, in this one, they just used a calculator and didn't bother changing anything based on the area. It could be intentional because of the games potential difficulty otherwise or they might have just overlooked it. The only real way you could figure out how/why they did it is to contact the people who made it, which is probably out of the question, or, as Pat said, you'd have to bust out a calculator and do some high level maths, which is beyond my expertise. Sorry I couldn't be much more help. Anything more than business math, anything with xy in it, isn't my forte. -Nights