Existence of Ghosts: Yes vs No

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Zandyne, May 20, 2007.

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  1. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    This is a thread created to direct an anonymous to an appropriate thread for their debate.

    This is a thread discussing the existence of Ghosts. Do these spirits/apparitions/emodiments of supernatural phenomena exist? Or are they merely a figmentation of the mind?

    Does your proof lie in proving it right/wrong in the areas of science, personal testimony, the words of religious domain or otherwise?

    Speak your mind here.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I believe in them very much, my own experiences have led me to feel this way. Ive seen too many things and heard to many things for me to think they don't. Lol you may think I'm crazy and maybe I am, but I'm happy to believe :D for me, ghosts are very much real.
  3. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    I believe ghost are very real. I have a strange six sense about it.....I blame my mom. We had to leave a couple of house we were going to buy cause they were haunted in a bad way. Make fun of me if you want but this is what I believe.
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I wont make fun of you! I believe too! :D
  5. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Yes, I believe in ghosts. They are our souls, and when we die, they rise. They can either be a ghost (good), a spirit (neutral), or a poltergist (evil). Ghosts don't do much, they mainly follow people around. Spirits annoy the hell out of people by turning on and off things repeatedly, and other things...but nothing harmful, just playful. And poltergists which will tend to throw knives and actually try to kill people. Yeah...I'm crazy....>.>;
  6. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Yes, I think there are ghost. It's just a feeling. Plus my friend said she had ghost experiences. O_O
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    Show me there's proof of ghost's. I rest my case. =D
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Show me proof there isn't :)
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Sure, gladly.

    There are many times when people say they have seen a ghost. There are also many times when people have said they have 'sensed' or 'felt' a ghost. You know why, right? It's you. People. A person. A person can imagine or manifest a thought very briefly if they are alone and in the dark. Often times in your home when you close the door you feel like there's something following you. You feel that because it's dark, damp, and you feel like you're about to fall off a cliff. Why do you think so many reports are witnessed in the dark and not in clean light? That's because your mind creates sounds in itself that you perceive as 'close by' that are real. I too, get scared in the dark and hear noises in my house at night. It scares me, sure. But I know it's just my head playing tricks on me. I'm well aware of the power of the human brain, as it can create sounds on its own, and you think they are real.

    A common example I can give you is one night when I was sitting in my room ready to sleep, I took a large sigh of relief, and I heard a "Hmph" noise outside my door. I thought it was a person but I didn't actually hear anything anywhere but from my own mouth. I let out a faint 'grunt' that was soft and quiet enough for me to think it was so far away as to be on the outside of my door.

    On top of that, people even think that spike readings in electrical waves are from ghosts. When actually, this can be disproved by loose wires or dead electrical zones in the walls of a house. Which again, brings me to the other point--why is it always witnessed in houses? People always report their seeings in houses and not out in the open. It's always an enclosed area.

    Tell a firm believer to go into a field, an open, entirely open field. A savanna even. An HONEST person will report seeing nothing. They will have sensed something though. And if you ask them if they are scared they will always say yes because they are so skeptical of being alone at any given moment. People over exaggerate their senses and claim a ghost site as a 'sixth sense'. There's not one piece of physical evidence, sure, but we have ways to prove how ghosts can be disapproved and proven wrong by real case scenario's.

    Also, it's been about a year since I ever really studied this stuff. So I kept it as vague as possible.

    /thread over

    Now, as I was saying. Prove it really exists. =\
  10. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Ghosts don't exist.
    This can actually relate to Christianity in a way.
    If you put it this way:
    We die
    Two choices:
    Heaven = believer
    Hell = No :(
  11. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Eh...this is a touchy subject for me, and one that I usually have no idea what to say when the time comes for me to speak.

    I've never had a ghostly experience, but I personally believe that they...well...not exist but...exist in a different sense...

    Well, it's kind of like the whole Jesus thing. He didn't have to exist for himt o be able to cause miracles. He has affected many peoples lives, wether it be bad or good, and wether he ever was alive or his enire life was just a lie, he exists int he hearts of the people that follow him.

    I believe this is the way that ghosts exists. When someone dies, those around them that are not ready for them to leave will keep a fragment of them there. Not literally speaking, and not to even say that spirits exist. It's just, if you believe a ghost is there, then it probably is. The word ghost is defined as an imprint left by something that is no longer there. If a person dies and yous till believe they are here with us, then they are a ghost, because they left and imprint on you.

    I don't believe in ghosts in the traditional sense, but more int he psychological sense. A person can trick their mind into thinking anything. In fact a few nights ago, I think I had "ghostly" experience. I was sleeping in my bed, and I was thinking about my grandfather. He has alzeimers...(sp?) XP...and he's been okay so far, but recently he's really started going downhill. So this led me to think about my grandmother who died of alzeimers, and just then I felt a weight on my feet, like someone had sat on the bed. I even felt the bed go down a bit. It was weird, and I was scared out of my mind for a few seconds, but I calmed myself down and convinced myself that there was nothing there. The weight lifted and it was probably just my cat or something, even though my door was closed.

    All I'm saying is, when you think about something, chances are it will happen. When you are concstantly looking around or behind your shoulder, everything will seem like a threat. Paranoia can mess with the senses. And I was pretty paranoid that night, considering I had watched the Grudge 2 several days before.

    I hope you can all understand my thoughts on this subject, it's not as easy for me to talk about stuff like this when I hardly understand were my views come from in the first place.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    @Cin good answer! :D

    Aimed at Darky

    Good arguments and valid all! I'll give you that, but when I was younger I saw something, and what I saw was in the open, I used to talk to a neighbour of ours, in fact I once described her to my mom, and you know what? The woman I described had died before i was born, child's imagination? maybe but how could I have known exactly what she looked like? Secondly there are many many stories throughout the world and history itself, whilst I think some sightings etc are bull I also think there are too many reportings for there to be nothing.

    The electric spikes you speak of yes I know about those and I agree it is just electric waves, because I believe I looked into both sides, if I'm going to believe something I need to be able to argue for it right? I disagree that is just the human brain, because although the imagination is a very powerful brain there is no way that the things that have happened to me are pure imagination, I have a heck of an imagination so I learn to recognise my own imaginings. For sure sometimes I thought i've felt something when its dark and cold now that I know is my imagination, but there are times I know it isnt.

    I dont claim to have a 6th sense as such Maybe some people are more sensitive. I think its unfair to suggest people who believe aren't honest. There is much in science that can disprove the existence of ghosts for sure however remember that science also used to believe in the "criminal gene" and that the earth was flat. New technology presents new evidence and new theories all the time.

    So I can't give you solid proof that they exist, but then you havn't given me solid proof they don't. All I can give you is my opinion and ask you to think about it, not believe it because that is your choice, but to think, in the way I looked at both sides.

    Wow sory I kinda got carried away there! :D
  13. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Hm...actually. Darky, I would like you to answer a question befoe you say anything else.

    Have you ever seen that show on the scifi channel? Ghosthunters, I think it's called?
  14. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    I personally don't believe in ghosts....but I think that might change because of what the GhostHunters (SciFi) are finding.....CREEPY!!!! Yet cool...
  15. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Yes I bleive Spirits and Ghost are real. Believe me or not.
    My uncle, Mom, and Uncles Girlfriend all actually see little hints of ghost. And me.
    I remember one time in the basement in pitch black I saw a snake. And my sister once saw a white person with his head chopped off. I know they are real. You may not. You may not believe me, but I do.

    And even if there is some way to get around ALL that. There is this person I know where the spirits talk to him and actually can hear from them what you think. I AM NOT JOKING. He did it to me! I AM NOT JOKING!
    I am not some random person talking. You WOULD believe me if you meet him
  16. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Easy. Your memory. You might have seen someone who looked like the girl and by chance and coincidence she looked exactly like the woman who died.

    How so?

    Sure it can. You have a huge imagination, as you have just stated, so how can't you feel something different from what you know is your 'true' imagination?

    That's because during those times when we thought the earth was flat we were ignorant and had absolutely no knowledge of the earth around us. We have grown to explore anatomy as well, this is why we can safely say 'criminal genes' don't exist. Through time we learn, no? But ghosts are a thing we cannot prove, no matter what. Even over the decades of research gone into it.

    I do look at both sides. I'm an intellectual and usually refuse to believe in something lacking logical proof. Lulz.[/quote]

    No I haven't.
  17. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Okay, well you should check it out sometime. It's very interesting. They are not traditionally ghost hunters who run around buildings and go "I feel something!"

    They set up cammera, heat sensores, electrical tracers. Things like that all over someone's house who they believe to have a problem with their home and the paranormal. Some of the things they find...well...they're pretty creepy. I realize that I should not believe everything I see on Tv, but the things that they can find on their are...hard to register as fake. I'm not saying I'm convinced that ghosts exists due to this show, I'ms aying it's a very interestig thing to watch, because they're not trying to prove ghosts exist, they're hoping they don't exist. Usually if they find enough evidence, the family will run away.
  18. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    That would be one heck of a coincidence! :eek: :eek:

    lol because as I said, I am aware of how my imagination feels! and sometimes things feel different

    lol exactly! We had to learnt to find those things! That is my point exactly! We didn't discover the earth was round over night, it took a long time and many fights, it is entirely possible that with time we will discover ways to prove. Nothing is impossible it may take time but that doesn't mean it makes it any less real! For example gravity! For years no one thought of it! All it took was one apple to fall (lol image of ghost dropping from tree)

    firstly I wasn't being insulting when I said that, its just how your argument came across, well I can say there is no logical solid proof that ghosts don't exist! Show me something that says 100% they're not real, there may be little things that can explain certain occurences but nothing can prove one way or the other at this point in our time.
  19. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Out of semi-tangent curiosity, what about people in comas (many many years, not just a couple of months)?

    And for future responses, please elaborate on your point rather then leave them short-lined and amibiguous. How EXACTLY does this relate to Christianity and how do "ghosts" relate to Heaven/Hell. All you have said is believers go to heaven and non go to hell (I have not studied the Bible, but I believe there was a difference between "denying/rejecting" God and "being ignorant").

    A statement this vague can be interpreted as practically nothing/anything in the debate. If you are going to use Christianity as your source of information, then use quotes, para-phrasing and/or your supporting conclusive details.

    Opinion is one thing (the other participating debators have all pointed out that it was all their opinion and left nice, concise contributions accordingly), but what you are doing is trying to use a specific source too broadly. Please remedy this for future debates if you want your points and views to be taken for more then what you have said.

    To Cin:
    Your point on ghosts is thoughtful and I would actually side with yours for the most part- That ghosts are isn't limited to only "supernatual" but can extend to psychological planes as well.

    General Statement:
    Personally my opinion on ghosts is that people put "emotion" into objects and such, and even after they're gone you can sort of feel the lingering "feelings" put into them. Almost like how when you look at a picture drawn by an artist, sometimes you can feel how much effort and emotion was put into a single piece as opposed to something just "slapped together". (Think home-made cookies vs the ones mass-produced by machines for a better idea of my point.)

    It isn't so much of "there's a ghost in my house" but more like, "I think I can find some common ground with this". Call it psychological empathizing if you will, but that is what I think more of as "ghosts"- its a two-way street not a one-sided situation.

    The best way of saying my view on this whole thing is that different people can see different ghosts. Its all a matter of how they are able to interpret it. (Such as when you ask someone to show what anger looks like, you can get a hundred different examples...)
  20. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I completely agree with Darky on this one. Until I see a damn ghost, I don't believe they exist. =\
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